Chapter 7

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My mind wanders and I get lost in thoughts of you

Y/N's POV I see Yoongi about to enter the apartment

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I see Yoongi about to enter the apartment. When he sees me he smiles and opens the door waiting for me to enter. Once we're both in he gives me a hug and a kiss on the forehead.

Yoongi: How was work today kid?
Y/N: Ugh. Don't even remind me please.

I flop down on the couch after throwing my shoes across the room.

Yoongi: Want to talk about it?

I nod. I can't keep anything from him.

Y/N: So today Jungkook brought me flowers and mostly everyone saw.
Yoongi: Doesn't he have a wife?
Y/N: I'm getting to that. Anyways since we share an office we ended up kissing and he asked me to be his girlfriend. I agreed then we went out to eat for our lunch break. When we got back his wife Arina, was sitting on his chair. She told us how she's not going to let us be happy while she's suffering knowing her husband is with someone else. And about the wife thing. It was an arranged marriage. According to Jennie they forced Jungkook down the aisle, usually it's the bride walking down the aisle, or the one who's late. But Jungkook delayed the whole thing by like three or four hours. His father and bodyguards carried him down the aisle, Jennie said she'll show me the video because in her words "it's too hilarious not to see."
Yoongi: Is that why your upset?
Y/N: Sorta. But I think Jungkook's mad at me.
Yoongi: Why should he be mad with you?!
Y/N: I told him maybe this wasn't going to work and that we should end it. He clearly didn't like the idea as he told me that we are now stuck together till we die. The rest of the day we didn't talk, I just rushed out of the office. And I just realized I forgot to bring the flowers with me.

Yoongi laughs before sitting down closer to me, he takes my head and puts it on his chest gently running his hand through my hair.

Yoongi: Don't worry Baby. I'll gladly beat his ass if that's what you want.

I start laughing.

Y/N: I can't with you sometimes.
Yoongi: But you love me.
Y/N: It's impossible not to.

He laughs then let's me go. I go shower and change into my pajamas. I hear a knock on my door as I finish up a schedule for Jungkook.

Y/N: Come in.

When he walks in he looks, nervous?

Yoongi: How about on Saturday you invite Jungkook to go out to dinner with us. I have something to tell you.

I look at him confused.

Y/N: Uhm ok. I'll see what he thinks tomorrow.
Yoongi: Ok. Night sis.
Y/N: Night Yoongs.

He shuts my door before going towards the guest room. I wonder if Jungkook will even want to go after today. I bet he's still mad at me.

Authors POV
Sorry for the short update.

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