Chapter 24

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Once we got to the venue the limo drove off leaving us there. The three of us surrounded Jimin and kept a lookout for Yoongi. Thank gosh he wasn't here yet. We managed to get into the room we were going to be waiting in until it's time for Jimin to walk down the aisle. My phone rings signaling I got a message from somebody.

Jungkook: Baby are you guys there yet?
Y/N: We just got here a few minutes ago. Why?
Jungkook: Yoongi wanted to make sure he wasn't going to see Jimin until the ceremony.
Y/N: Don't worry, he won't.
End of Messages.

I put my phone away and turn to the others.

Y/N: The rest are on their way here.

Jin nods and goes to look out the window where the ceremony venue was at.


Jimin stands up from the chair almost falling over.

Jin: No but a lot of guests are arriving. OOOHHH! Y/N! YOUR PARENTS ARE HERE!

Me and Jennie walk over to look.

Y/N: Hehe. They are.
Jennie: Chim where is your family?
Jimin: My parents are over there to the right, and my older brother is next to them. And by the way. Thank you guys. Everything turned out so beautiful.
Jennie: Don't mention it Jimin—OH SHIT DUCK!

Jimin crouches down immediately in confusion.

Jimin: What's wrong?!
Jin: Yoongi's here! He just walked to where he's going to stand!

Jimin starts taking deep breathes as he feels the nervousness swallowing him whole.

Y/N: Wait. Chim who's going to walk you down the aisle?
Jimin: My—I forgot to tell my dad about it.
Y/N: He's the one over there right?

I point towards him making Jimin nod.

Y/N: We have twenty minutes. I'll go get him real fast. Don't worry.

I run out of the room and outside towards the ceremony space.

Author's POV
As Y/N goes outside and makes her way around, smiling at the guests she feels a hand grab her waist. She was ready to throw hands when she realized it was Jungkook. She sighed in relief and playfully punched his chest.

Y/N: You scared me.

He laughed pecking her nose.

Jungkook: You look amazing.
Y/N: Thanks Kookie. You look handsome.

She gave him a quick peck on the lips before explaining that she needed to get Jimin's father. He let her go but pouted making her chuckle. She then ran over to the Park family and introduced herself.

Y/N: Hello Mr. and Mrs. Park. I'm Min Y/N, Yoongi's little sister and a friend of Jimin. I've come to ask Mr. Park to please follow me so he can walk Jimin down the aisle.
Mrs. Park: Lovely to meet you dear.
Mr. Park: Of course Y/N. After you.

Y/N and Mr. Park walked to where Jimin's bridal party was waiting. But she was oblivious to the hungry state of one particular male...and it wasn't Jungkook.

When we entered the building we quickly entered the room we were all previously in. Jimin was standing while Jin fixed his hair and Jennie was touching up his makeup. He turned around when he heard the door open, and a huge smile swept across his face.

Jimin: Dad!

Mr. Park went to give his son a hug. I smiled at the sight and saw that the other two were too. They broke apart and I saw tears in Mr. Park's eyes.

Mr. Park: You've really grown up son. I remember when you were just one year old.

He had a few tears running down his face.

Jimin: Dad if you don't stop crying your going to make me cry.

Jimin laughed while tears were forming in his eyes. Jin panicked and grabbed some tissues. He handed one to Mr. Park and carefully dabbed Jimin's eyes in order to not ruin his makeup. Soon me, Jennie, and Jin left because it was almost time. A few minutes later the music started playing.

It was time.

Author's POV
Mr. Park linked Jimin's arms with his own and began their walk down the aisle. Jungkook was standing next to Yoongi since he was his best man and Y/N would be standing next to Jimin since she was his maid of honor. They were the only two members of their bridal party standing since it would be uneven if they had all of their friends stand with them. So they agreed on just those two. But as Y/N was standing up their she felt eyes burning into her body. But she thought she was just paranoid and shrugged it off. She met eyes with Jungkook and smiled. He smiled back but noticed something was off. So he discretely looked at the guest who were seated and noticed that one guy was shamelessly staring at
His girlfriend. His best friend. His future wife.
He calmed himself down before faking a smile and turning his attention to Jimin who's hand was now being handed to Yoongi.

Mr. Park: Please take care of my son Yoongi. He's the youngest and baby of the family. So I beg you, please care for him and love him.

Yoongi smiled and took Jimin's hand giving it a gentle kiss.

Yoongi: You won't have to worry about that Mr. Park. I'll love and care for him like our lives depend on it.

With that Mr. Park smiled and took his seat with his family. Yoongi and Jimin were now hand in hand, and directly in front of each other. The officiant began talking and so the Yoonmin ceremony began.

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