Chapter 12

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My love for you is a journey starting at forever and ending at never

 My love for you is a journey starting at forever and ending at never

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Time skip

Jungkook: Bye Baby Doll! I love you!

He screamed out his car window catching the attention of the people walking across the street. I laugh at his silliness.

Y/N: I love you too!

I walk into my building since Jungkook just dropped me off. I enter my apartment and see Yoongi sitting on the floor in front of the door with his arms crossed. I close the door then turn to face my older brother who's sitting like a toddler on the floor.

Y/N: What are you doing?
Yoongi: I've been waiting here for over an hour. I was originally standing to look more intimidating but I got tired so I sat down.

He suddenly gets up taking my hand and walking towards the living room so we can both sit on the couch. He looked at me with a serious expression.

Yoongi: Y/N me and Jimin bought a place together and we're moving in together after the wedding.
Y/N: WHAT?! Really? I'm so happy for you, I knew you were going to find true love! Your finally not some fuck boy like you were before we moved.
Yoongi: Hey! Can't you at least act depressed to see me go?
Y/N: Oh I'm sorry. Let me rephrase that.

I fall on the couch while dramatically saying,

Y/N: Yoongi please don't go live with the love of your life. Even if he changed your fuck boy ways and I'm probably going to steal him from you and he's going to become my best friend.

I get up laughing at his annoyed expression.

Y/N: I'm just kidding. But all jokes aside I'm really happy that Jimin changed you for the better. And I'm happy you two are getting married.
Yoongi: Thanks Baby. It means a lot. But I haven't told mom and dad yet and I don't know how but I do know when.
Y/N: When?
Yoongi: Next week.
Y/N: Are you flying back or?
Yoongi: More like they're coming to visit for three days.

There was a moment of silence.

Yoongi: Don't worry about that. They're going to be stay at the place I just got since everything is already in there but we chose not to move in until we got married. But I'm pretty sure they're going to spend most of their time here.
Y/N: Phew. Thanks Yoongs.

He nods before going off into the guest room where he was staying. I change out of the dress I was wearing from last night to go shower. After my shower I changed into some pajamas and started finishing some work on my laptop. My phone rings and I see a message from Kook saying to FaceTime him on my laptop. I do so and when he picks up I yell out at the sight.

He's carrying a cute puppy.
He laughs at my reaction then makes the puppy wave his little paw at me.

Y/N: I-I *speaks gibberish*
Jungkook: What was that Baby Doll?
Y/N: Sorry I was dying because of the cuteness overload.
Jungkook: I know I'm cute but—

I cut him off by screaming at him since he puts the puppy down so I can't see it anymore.

Jungkook: Damn. What ever my Queen wants she gets.

He quickly reaches down to pick up the puppy to put it back on the screen.

Y/N: Who's puppy is it?
Jungkook: Ours.

He smiles at me.

Y/N: What do you mean ours?
Jungkook: I mean that it's ours since I got it for you as a present. I barley got him today.
Y/N: So we're going to raise him?
Jungkook: Yup. We're the parents of this little guy.

I smile warmly at him through the camera.

Hope you enjoyed sorry for any errors

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