Chapter 26

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We had all finished eating dinner and it was time for the fun to start, but first Jimin and Yoongi had their first dance as a married couple. They moved in synchronization and it was a truly beautiful sight to see. Jungkook intertwined my hand with his as I leaned my head on his shoulders.

"I can't wait for that to be us." Jungkook said as he placed a kiss on my lips. I smiled and gave him a peck back. "I can't either Kookie." Soon the dance was over and applause erupted from all over the venue.

Author's POV
The newly married couple signaled for everyone to come join them on the dance floor so some people went to the dance floor to have fun. Y/N and Jungkook were one of the couples to go up and begin dancing, but one person had his eyes focused on one girl only. And if Yoongi found out that he was looking at his sister like that, he wouldn't hesitate to smash his face in.

After a while of dancing Y/N separated from Jungkook since she needed to go to the restroom. She walked away and he saw the same guy follow her towards the restrooms. Jungkook walked over to where Yoongi was talking to his parents and asked him to follow him.

"What's wrong Kook? You seem anxious." Yoongi said as he and Jungkook walked side by side towards the restrooms. "This guy was staring at Y/N the whole fucking ceremony and he was eye fucking her the whole time we were dancing. Then he followed her to the restroom." His eyes were hooded with anger and rage laced his tone of voice. Once Yoongi heard this his eye darkened and his fists clenched by his sides. The both males clenched their fists as they were getting ready to beat someone's ass if needed.

After Y/N did her business she washes her hands and fixed her attire before exiting the restroom. As she was turning the corner she was roughly pinned across the wall by a guy she barely met today. And they didn't even chat earlier, they simply introduced themselves.

"Hello Y/N. You look ravishing tonight." The male licked his lips. (Thirsty ass motherfucker.) Y/N started to flail around trying to push him off as she didn't want anyone seeing them and getting the wrong idea. She tried to kick his genitals (non existent genitals) but he held her legs down with his (cause he a short ass bihhh.)

As the two enraged males walked to where Y/N was being harassed they heard her voice yelling in anger. They turned to look at each other and ran to the direction of her voice. Once they arrived Jungkook wasted no time in pushing the male off her punching him straight in the face. (Go Daddy Kook!) Once Yoongi gets a glimpse of his face he kicks him back down on the floor as Jungkook rushes to Y/N and embraces her. Yoongi gets on top of the male and punches him in the face without mercy. (Go Daddy Yoongs!) Once his knuckles are stained with blood he gets up and passes him to Jungkook while he goes to wash the blood off so Jimin won't get suspicion. The younger male kicks him in side and begins to punch the perverted man till Y/N pulls him off.

"Baby please stop. Your going to get in trouble it's not worth it. Please." She pleads while back hugging him. Jungkook's tense state relaxes once he feels her body against his. He stands up again and rushes to the restroom without saying anything to her. Yoongi exits the restroom and takes Y/N in his arms telling her it's okay. She quietly sobs into his chest as she's scared that Jungkook is mad at her. Jungkook emerges from the restroom and takes a look at the barely conscious male on the floor and gives him once last kick before walking away. The two siblings stay there. Soon Jungkook returns with Jimin and his family. Which is also the family of the male on floor.

Jimin's older brother. Park Jaehyuk. Jungkook motioned to the bloodied male and then motioned to Y/N who was still quietly sobbing while Yoongi hugged her close in a protective manner. (Damn I want an older brother like that.) The older couple looks around in confusion as Jimin finally pieced the pieces together.

"Y/N I'm so sorry." Jimin says as tears gather in his eyes. His parents still look confused over the whole thing so Jungkook "gladly" explains everything to them in a hostile tone.

"Your son has MY GIRLFRIEND pinned against the wall while she struggled to get away from him." Jungkook all but yelled in their face. "Jimin I know he's your brother but I want him the fuck out of our wedding." Yoongi stated with a angered tone. "If he treats woman like this he's no brother of mine." Jimin says. He walks towards his struggling to stand brothers and grabs him by the hair. "I want you the fuck out my wedding and never EVER treats someone like that again." He roughly pushes his brothers head to the side before standing up and pulling Y/N into a comforting hug while Jimin's parents repeatedly apologized for their sons behavior. The parents roughly pulls their son to his feet before dragging him outside through the back saying that they'll be back later. (Finally parents in a ff who have common sense.) Jimin lets go of Y/N when he sees Jungkook walking over to them.

"We have to talk." Were the only words that left Jungkook's mouth as he delicately grabbed
Y/N by the wrist and pulled her outside. Yoongi intertwined his hand with Jimin's and they made their way back towards the party.

Sorry for going MIA for a while lmao
I'll try to update soon no promises tho

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2019 ⏰

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