Chapter 9

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As surely as the sun will rise tomorrow, so too will my heart beat only for you

 As surely as the sun will rise tomorrow, so too will my heart beat only for you

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I woke up to find Yoongi already gone. It's barley 10:30am. Why would he be going out already? I go to the kitchens and see he left a note saying,

Hey Baby,
I headed out early today to get a few things ready for today. I won't be seeing you until tonight for dinner at 7:30pm at XXX Restaurant. I have big news to tell you. I'll see you tonight. I love you sis.
~ Yoongi

I wonder what he's going to tell me. I go back to my room and shower letting my hair air dry. I change into a hoodie and leggings. I call Jennie asking her to come over later so she could help me get ready for tonight. She agrees saying she will be over in a couple hours. I head towards the kitchen to make myself breakfast. After I eat my waffles with fruit I brush my teeth and sit down in the living room to watch TV. I hear the door bell ring followed by a knock on the door. I open it to reveal Jennie. She hugs me before entering. It was now 4:40pm.

Jennie: Babe we gotta hurry! WE IN A TIIIME CRUNCH BITCHES!!!

She yells that as she walks towards my room. She walks into my bathroom me trailing behind her. I take out all my hair and make up things. Then she goes back into my room and opens my closet.

Jennie: We're gonna make Jungkook highkey thirsty for you.

I laugh. She goes through my dresses before picking out one she said was
"absolutely perfect to make Jungkook beg to take you home tonight." I roll my eyes at her statement lightly laughing. She lays the dress on my bed before leading me back into the bathroom. She does my hair and my make up. For my makeup I only wore some mascara, eyeliner and some red lipstick. She did some light beach waves in my hair. Once I finished she helped me change so I wouldn't mess up my makeup or hair.

By the time we finished with everything it was 6:40pm

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By the time we finished with everything it was 6:40pm.

Jennie: Well I'm going to head home, since Jungkook is coming to pick you up at seven.

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