Chapter 21

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Author's POV
Y/N had just dragged Arina outside onto the driveway while Jimin and Jungkook were running towards them. Yoongi was also pulling into the driveway with sad eyes. He saw lots of commotion and saw Y/N on top of the woman who kissed him earlier. He now remembered her name was Arina and that she was Jungkook's wife. Then he noticed Jungkook and Jimin trying to grab Y/N and pull her off. He stopped the car and ran towards them.

Yoongi: Y/N!

She turned to look at him with fiery eyes.


Arina was on the ground yelling for help. Y/N bitch slapped her three times making her shut up.

Y/N: Do you know how much pain you caused Jimin? His heart fucking broke when he saw a whore kissing his future husband!
Arina: Don't call me a who—

Another slap.

Y/N: But you are one!

Jungkook and Jimin are still desperately trying to get Y/N off of Arina. Yoongi puts his hands between the two females and pushes Y/N away from Arina.

Arina: Thanks Yoo—
Yoongi: Shut up.

His voice would make even the dead shiver. Jungkook had enough of this and grabbed Y/N by the waist, picking her up with ease.

Jimin: should've done that before.

He just shrugs while Y/N is thrashing around on his shoulder.

Y/N: Let me down! I need to teach this bitch a lesson! You don't mess with my family and friends and get away with it!

Arina reaches her hand out to Jimin for help, since he was the only one closest to her. Jimin looked down at her with a raised eyebrow and scoffed.

Jimin: You really think I'm helping your imaginary ass up?
Arina: You shouldn't be talking. You
have no—
Yoongi: Jimin is thick as fuck so don't say he ain't got an ass.

Arina rolled her eyes before getting up by herself. She approached Jungkook and Y/N.

Arina: I'll be pressing charges.
Y/N: Go ahead bitch. Try me. Fucking try me I dare you.
Arina: Ok then. Come on tell your boyfriend to let go of you.

Y/N somehow wiggles her way free from Jungkook's grasp and stood face to face with Arina. Well more like face to neck. Arina has a height advantage but what she doesn't know is that Y/N took boxing lessons back in England. Jungkook was going to grab Y/N once again but she made a very serious threat. Well serious for Jungkook.

Y/N: Jungkook I swear that if you try to stop me, you won't be getting anything for a long time.

Jungkook's eyes widened and he moved back.

Yoongi: Seriously?
Jungkook: What can I say? She's amazing in be—
Arina: I don't want to hear about your sex life.
Yoongi: Oooh she salty because she ain't getting laid.

Everyone even Y/N let out a laugh. Arina turned red before yelling,

Arina: I do get laid! Why do think I go to the club all the time. I can get any guy I want if I put my mind to it.
Jimin: What about Jungkook?
Jungkook: Don't offend me like that.

With that she turns around to slap Y/N in the face. Y/N gasped in surprise since she didn't expect it. Arina felt a feeling of triumph run through her veins. But that didn't last long.
Y/N threw a punch to Arina's face hitting her straight in the mouth. Arina fell back due to the impact and Y/N got on top of her. She grabbed Arina by the hair and tugged at it until she saw that she pulled some hair out. The guys were just in the background watching the fight unfold.

Jimin: Yeah Y/N! Beat her ass! That's my bestie right there!

Boy was this going to be one hell of a day.

Hope you enjoyed!

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