Chapter 10

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Slight smut but not full on smut if ya get what I mean. There will be no describing of the pickle in the donut, this chapter.

All that you are is all that I'll ever need

Y/N's POV Jungkook told me that we should wait for Jimin and Yoongi to leave since he wanted to tell me something

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Jungkook told me that we should wait for Jimin and Yoongi to leave since he wanted to tell me something. We stood by his parked car in the dark, under a tree. Once we saw Yoongi's car with both of them inside, drive off I felt Jungkook's hands wrap around my waist turning me to face him. He leaned forward and rested his head on top of mine.

Jungkook: You look so good in that little red dress Baby Doll.

He says that while playing with the small spaghetti sleeves of the dress.
I gasp as I feel his cold fingers trace across my skin. I lean into his cold touch loving how it feels on my hot skin. It soothes me, his whole presence just calms me. He leans down to start pressing butterfly kisses on my neck and exposed shoulders. I moan slightly when he bites down on my collarbone. He shakily speaks. While kissing my upper body.

Jungkook: Has another person touched you like this in those four years?
Y/N: No. Nobody has touched me since the night we had together before I left.
Jungkook: Good. I couldn't stand the thought of you being the arms of someone else, while I'm over here clueless as to what you were doing.
Y/N: Have you been with someone else?
Jungkook: No. I never even thought about it. The only woman I need in my life is you Y/N.

As he says those words he leans closer and bends down to lock our lips together. The kiss was messy and rough. I moaned into the kiss when he harshly bit my bottom lip, he groaned out when I sucked on his lips. He pulled me even closer to his toned body as his hands started to go down the back of my dress, since it was backless. But he quickly pulled away once he remember we were in public and anybody could walk past us right now and see our messy state.

Jungkook: Get in my car. We're finishing this at my place.

We both quickly got into the car. Once we drove onto the road Jungkook rested one of his arms on my shoulder. I leaned in closer to his seat to make it easier for him to reach. On every red light we got, which were a lot, he would lean in and kiss me until the light turned green again. Thirty minutes later we finally arrived at his penthouse. We took the elevator up but since there were people in it we kept our hands to ourselves. But once we got to the top floor where his penthouse is he dragged me down the hall to where a elegant door was. He pushed me against it almost knocking the table with a flower pot next to his door, down. He roughly kissed me which I returned back. My hands went in his hair tugging at it, he started to undo my bra still underneath my dress. He put his hand in his pocket fumbling with his keys before finally opening the door. I don't know if he locked the door as he quickly picked me up carrying me to what I assume to be his bedroom. He laid me down on his dark blue satin silky sheets. He quickly took off his clothes as I took off my dress. He put got on top of me pampering my body with kisses, and bites. He lightly sucked on some spots. Once he finished with that he got out a condom rolling it onto his length. He put his face in the crook of my neck telling me sweet nothings before giving me the full experience once again.

Arina's POV
I got a phone call from my older sister saying she saw Jungkook having dinner with a girl and two other men. She recognized one of them as the rapper Agust D, who is Y/N's older brother. So the girl he was with was obviously Y/N. I immediately leave the club to go to the restaurant. Once I arrive I enter, but I see the four of them coming out. I quickly hid beside the restaurant next to a few trees and bushes. I can hear everything they're saying. Yoongi is engaged? Wow. Once they say goodbye I hear Jungkook tell Y/N to wait for the other two to leave. They went towards Jungkook's car. I quietly followed them, I saw and heard the whole interaction between them. I heard Jungkook imply sex between them after they finished making out. She obviously agreed as they both speed off in his car in the direction of his penthouse. I stomped my feet kicking my heels into the tree next to me. I took my frustration out for a while longer. Then I remembered the camera I put in the flower pot next to Jungkook's door. I quickly get my phone out tapping on the app I have connected to the small spy camera. I waited but nothing happened nobody walked by or anything. I was about to exit out when I heard footsteps going down the hall of the live video. I saw Y/N being pushed against the door, they started to roughly make out with each other. The only thing coming out of my phones speakers were Y/N's slight moans with whimpers, and Jungkook's deep husky groans. I didn't want to watch my husband make out with his mistress but I couldn't look away. I started to tear up imagining what else they're going to be doing soon. I got an idea to stop this. I quickly ran towards my car driving in the direction of Jungkook's penthouse.

Authors POV
Once Arina arrived at Jungkook's penthouse building, she carefully sneaked in. Instead of taking the elevator she took the stairs which took her a while since his penthouse is on the very top floor. She ran down the hall to his door. She tried to see if the door was unlocked which to her luck it was. She quietly made her way in taking off her heels in the process. She has never really been inside his penthouse. The farthest she's every gone was the first five inches away from the door. She got startled as she heard a loud groan followed by moans coming from a room down the hall. She already knew what it was and she was determined to stop it. She followed the sound of the moans getting louder. She cringed at the thought of Jungkook deep in Y/N. She finally reached the room where all the noises of skin slapping were coming from. The room wasn't fully closed so Arina nervously took a look at what was happening inside. She saw Jungkook gripping Y/N's hips thrusting in and out of her at a insanely fast speed. She saw how his head was thrown back, mouth slightly opened, groans coming out of it. He was clearly enjoying this. Same with Y/N, she was gripping the sheets her eyes rolled into the back off her head. She looked away tears stinging her eyes. What she heard next broke her.

Jungkook: Fuck Y/N.

He breathily spoke.

Jungkook: I love you so much. You're so good.

He groaned out the last bit.

Y/N: I love you too Kookie. So so much.

Her tears made their way down her face at both of their confessions. They enjoyed this, they enjoyed each other. She couldn't stop them, she came here for nothing. She didn't reach her goal. She picked up her heels lightly sobbing before running out of the penthouse the door slamming on her way out.
But Jungkook and Y/N were to caught up with each other and the pleasure to notice.

Authors Note
Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Sorry for any errors.

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