Chapter 14

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Love is a promise:
love is a souvenir,
once given never forgotten,
never let it disappear.

Love is a promise: love is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, never let it disappear

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Me and Jungkook were walking towards our office with BunBun in my arms. BunBun snuggled into my chest and closed his eyes. Jungkook stoped and turned to BunBun poking him awake.

Jungkook: Listen buddy. Those,

He points to my breasts.

Jungkook: Are mine. So no touching, snuggling or whatever you were doing. Got it?

I smack Jungkook on his arm while laughing.

Y/N: Excuse me it's my body so these are mine.

Jungkook cockily smirks. He leans down and presses his forehead against mine.

Jungkook: You didn't say that Saturday night though, Baby Doll.

I blush remembering what I said to him. This little—

Jungkook: I would gladly prove it to you in our office—
Y/N: Not in front of BunBun you perverted Kookie.

I speed walk away from him and into the office. He runs to catch up behind me.

Jungkook: I was just joking Baby Doll.

I sit down on my chair and place BunBun on the floor. I smile as I see him sniff then walk around poking his nose at new things. I didn't notice Jungkook go behind my chair until he spun me around to face him. He leaned in dangerously close to my face and started to whisper.

Jungkook: You know I don't like when people ignore me Baby Doll. So why would you do it?

I push the chair back and answer.

Y/N: Because I'm not scared of you.
Jungkook: Oh really? Just wait one minute.

He picks up BunBun gives him a kiss on the head and takes him towards Jennie. He hands him to her before saying something that I can't hear due to the distance. She nods while cuddling up to the little fluffy creature. He turns back to walk over to where I was, leaning against the door frame to our office. He smirks when he sees me looking at him in confusion. Once he gets to me he pushes me inside, closes the door then lays me on the couch. As I'm trying to process everything that's happening he gets on top of me and

Puts his full weight on me.

Jungkook: I can't hear you!

I try pushing him off but fail. I come up with an idea. A very dirty but evil idea. *inserts Lenny face*

I brush my knee against his crotch while whimpering.

Y/N: Kookieeee. Please get off me.

I close my eyes while lightly pouting my lips. I keep brushing my knee against his crotch making him let out a small moan. I feel him getting harder and he starts grinding against me. He finally sits up and starts unbuckling his belt when I zoom out of the room. I run towards Jenny who's having a starring contest with BunBun. I sit next to her while running my hand through BunBun's fur. I see Jungkook coming towards us with a brief case in front of his you know what. He squints his eyes at me while mouthing the words
You'll see what happens when we're alone later today.
I forgot that today me and him are staying after hours to finish up a few schedules and a project. I gulp immediately regretting what I did earlier. He goes towards the bathroom and doesn't come out until around 20 minutes later. He makes eye contact with me and smirks.
I'm in deep trouble later.

Hope you enjoyed

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