Chapter 22

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Author's POV
Y/N was beating Arina's ass. Yoongi wasn't stoping her because he was pissed that Arina went as far as to try and break him and Jimin up. Jimin didn't try to help because to be honest...he was enjoying this. He felt pleased in seeing Arina getting what she deserves. And Jungkook wasn't stoping her because...well you know why. Y/N was brutal when it came to defending the people she loves. She was capable of so much more than a mere ass beating. Finally she finished Arina off by slamming her face against her knee. Arina let herself fall back down onto the cold, rough, cement driveway with blood oozing out of her nose. She has a nose injury, black eye, some bruises, and clumps of hair around her on the ground. Y/N wasn't they type of girl to only go for the hair, when she fought she went all out.

Y/N: We'll see if now you have the balls to mess with my friends and family again.

Arina only groaned in pain. Thank god that there wasn't anybody in or around the house at the time. Y/N dust herself off and turned to look at the guys with a smile.

Y/N: Well looks like my work here's done.

There was a moment of silence until Jungkook broke it.

Jungkook: I'm not going to lie...what Y/N did really turned me on.
Yoongi: Don't talk about my sister like that in front of me.
Y/N: Well I think me and Jungkook are going to head back to my place while you guys talk things out and decide what your going to do.

Both of them walked away, stepping over a knocked out Arina. Yoongi turned to look at Jimin, who was trying not to look at Yoongi.

Yoongi: Get in the car. We're going somewhere else to talk.

Jimin followed silently.

Jungkook and Y/N get back in Jungkook's car and are greeted by BunBun.

Jungkook: Hey BunBun did you see your mom beat that fire hydrants ass? Now I understand why dogs piss on fire hydrants a lot.
Y/N: Don't talk like that in front of our son.
Jungkook: Yes mommy.

There was a moment of silence.

Y/N: Don't ever say that again.
Jungkook: Agreed.

Jungkook drove all three of them back to Y/N's apartment.

Author's POV
Yoongi and Jimin drove in silence back to their apartment. They decided that they we're going to move in with each other before the wedding, but now after everything's that happened Yoongi was scared Jimin was going to move out and call off the wedding. They both entered their apartment building in silence, a very awkward silence. Jimin realized that he should've stayed and let Yoongi explain what had happened. But come on, being in a situation like that your mind automatically thinks the worst. Once they reached the apartment Yoongi unlocked the door waiting for Jimin to step in. He quietly thanked him and went to sit on the couch. Yoongi entered and locked the door once again before taking a seat next to Jimin. They sat in silence for a good five minutes before Jimin spoke up.

Jimin: I'm sorry.

He spoke in a whisper.

Yoongi: Why are you sorry?
Jimin: Because...because I ran out without letting you explain yourself.
Yoongi: You shouldn't be the one apologizing. I should've pushed her off immediately but I was sort of like in shock. I didn't expect that at all.
Jimin: It's amazing how far some people go to hurt the ones they hate.

Jimin speaks while pouting. Yoongi scoots closer to Jimin and lifts him up to place him on his lap.

Yoongi: I love you baby. You know that right?

Jimin shyly nods and snuggles into the crook in Yoongi's neck.

Jimin: I love you too.

Yoongi places small kisses all over his face before ending with a passionate kiss on the lips.

Yoongi: So are we still getting married?

Jimin nods while giggling.

Yoongi: Well theres only one way to celebrate.

He stands up and wraps Jimin's legs around his waist and walks towards their bedroom. Jimin blushes knowing what's waiting for them.

I've been having writers block lately and things aren't going so well right now. But now that I'm on summer break I'll try to update more frequently.

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