Chapter 25

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Throughout the whole ceremony I had to hold in my tears. I was just so happy that Yoongi finally found someone to love for the rest of his life. When he was younger I was worried about him. He would sleep around with random girls and threw them away the next day without taking their feelings into consideration. I can't count how many times I woke up to girls crying while walking out of our house. I tried to talk to him but he would just change the topic or take me on a brother and sister outing. I was worried that he would never find true love. But now Jimin has changed that. He opened Yoongi's heart and made him fall in love. I will forever be grateful for that.

*we skipping the ceremony part and going to the kiss*

"You may now kiss the groom" The officiant declared. Yoongi grabbed Jimin my the waist pulling him closer while Jimin grabbed onto his shoulders. With a final peck they pulled apart and turned to face the crowd. Everyone was clapping with joy for the newly wed couple.

"Everyone come inside for the reception!" Jimin yelled out. The newly weds walked down the aisle together. Me and Jungkook met each other half way and linked arms, walking behind the married couple.

"You know that could be us real soon." He whispers in my ear. I blush then turn to look at him. "It will be...but after you get divorced." I lightly flick his head before getting on my tippy toes to press a kiss to his cheek. He pouts but kisses my check back. "And I'll be divorced before you know it." I laugh as we all made our way to the reception.

Me and Jungkook took a seat at one of the front tables that were reserved for what Jimin liked to call "the important people" and what Yoongi likes to call "the people I actually give fucks about." So me, Jungkook, Namjoon, Taehyung, Jin, Hoseok and Jennie we're sitting at one table while mine and Yoongi's family sat with Jimin's family. I felt like I was being watched again but when I looked around I didn't see anything. I guess I still must've been tense as Jungkook turned to me and whispered "what's wrong" in my ear. I looked back at him before deciding to just tell him.

"Ever since the ceremony I felt like I was being watched. But maybe I'm just being paranoid. It's probably nothing."

Author's POV
Jungkook looks at his girlfriend with a stoic expression then turned to look at the person who he caught looking at her during the ceremony. Jungkook and the other person made eye contact, neither of them looking away. At that moment Jungkook knew that that person wanted his Baby Doll. And he sure as hell wasn't going to let that happen. The person was unknown to Jungkook but known to Yoongi, Jimin, and Y/N. The unknown person was the first to break eye contact and  looked back at the people seated at their table. "Why is he sitting with them? Who is he to them?" Were the thoughts going through Jungkook's head. He looked away from him and looked at Y/N. 

"Tell me if you feel it again okay baby?" Y/N nodded and snuggled closer to Jungkook. He looked towards him again and pressed a kiss to Y/N's head just to make sure he gets the message that she is off limits. But the man in question already knows she's off limits...but that won't stop him from what he's planning to do tonight. 

Hey guys sorry for the short chapter. I'm actually really busy with personal matters right now but I'll try to update this book again this week. Thank you for understanding. 

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