Chapter VI

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Kila's mind went blank, then as she blinked a couple times she saw that she was standing in a dark room; a single light was illuminating a small section up ahead. She was suddenly aware that her feet were moving her towards the light. The closer she got she saw that it wasn't a light but a large bird. The bird as bright as the moonlight its feathers looked like white lilies, its neck elongated; its feathers on the top of its head stuck up a little bit making it look as if it was wearing a crown. Its body was large and round, with feet of a chicken but more graceful.

Kila paused as she took the sight in then she took the last couple of steps towards the large bird and looked up into its great eyes a small gasp escaped her lips. Its right eye was blue and the other one was a stormy grey, they matched hers exactly. The large bird tilted its head down as if it was bowing to her. Kila did the same only bowing from her waist.

"Hello Kila," the bird said, only its mouth didn't move, she heard the words directly in her mind. "I have been waiting for you for a long time. I had started to get worried because it seemed like no one would find you on Earth." Her voice was beautiful like soft music; it chimed though the hollow room, filling every crack. "I wish for you to know my name, so that we can fight alongside each other and restore balance to the world."

Kila was staring into the bird's eyes and slowly realized that the birds left eye was changing. Its stormy grey was being replaced by swirls of a dark amber color. After a few seconds the amber had completely replaced the grey, the color still swirling around its self before it stopped. "I know that you will use my power well for I have watched over you since you were born. My name is--"

Kila opened her eyes as the camp fire, Simogan, Alex and Tarthan came into view. The boys and Tarthan were watching her closely. She smiled and closed her eyes again, remembering the sound of her voice, "What a wonderful name," She then muttered more to herself then everyone else.

Kila took a deep breath in and let it out slowly. Her body which had been exhausted and beat up, felt re energized and everything that had been sore, now felt normal. She reached up and touched her head to find that the cut was no longer there. She opened her eyes and looked at the boys, before she reached up into the air stretching her limbs.

Simogan was grinned as he watched her, Tarthan looks as if his mouth was stretched back in a smile. Alex just beamed.

"You should call her out," Simogan eyes shone bright as he watched her. He was bouncing on the balls of his feet. To Kila he looked like a small child waiting to open his presents on Christmas. "Come on Kila bring her out." Kila was surprised by how excited Simogan was about this and looked over to Alex, who gave a slight nod. She looked down at the stone that was in her hand.

"Well what do you think?" She spoke to the stone, the symbol on the stone lit up a small bit as a voice filled her head. "It would be wonderful to stretch my legs and wings." Kila nodded

"Okay," She held the stone up to her lips and whispered "Lry," The words came into her mind and out her mouth. "Goddess of the moon stone, come out."

The markings on the stone lit up and a foot away from Kila a white circle appeared on the ground and a small girl jumped out and looked around. Her hair was slivery white tied off at the nape of her neck with a piece of black ribbon, two earrings fell from her ears, one was a full moon and the other was a half-moon both made of polished sliver. Her skin was pale with mixed matched eyes, one of blue and the other one amber. She stood up to Kila's knees head to toe, wearing a black vest with a high collar and light blue faded jeans with a half transparent black skirt that went around the back of her lower body and fell around the back side of her knees. She smiled showing very white teeth.

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