Chapter XXVI

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The noise of the door clicking into its frame, made Kila stir from her dreams; she rolled over and looked at Ezra's bed mat. It was empty. She slid out of bed and walked over to the door. She pressed her ear up against it but didn't hear anything. She ever so silently turned the door knob and opened the door as quietly as she could.

Ezra was standing out in the hallway looking out at the darkened atrium. Kila could see that he had the glass orb with the tree limb inside. He was looking at it as if he was mad at it but his expression changed and Kila guessed, so did his thought process. He looked at it softly holding it in his hand as he propped his chin up. He sighed.

Kila ever so quietly closed the door making sure the door didn't knock against the frame and unwound the knob; the lock clicked into place. She crept back into Ezra's bed, looking up at the ceiling. It bothered her slightly that the tiny little tree limb could make so many expressions dance across Ezra's face. She rolled over and looked at the door.

Kila wasn't sure how long later but Ezra walked back into the room; closing the door quietly. Kila closed her eyes and quickly acted like she was sleeping. Ezra walked over to the bed and sat down, she could feel the bed indent hear her stomach. She could tell that he was looking at her, but she didn't peek wondering what he was doing. His hand brushed a stray hair out of her face, she heard him sigh then the weight of his body left the edge of the bed and the covers on the bed mat rustled.

Kila opened her eyes and glanced down at the bed mat, Ezra had his back to her but she could hear his breathing getting deeper as he fell asleep. Kila's felt her own eyes getting heavy and not to long after that she had fallen back asleep.


Kila watched her feet, step after step after step after step, until she paused and looked around. The darkness that surrounded her seemed be lightening, she turned and walked towards where the light was coming from. She started humming the children's' song as she walked, enjoying the melody.

Kila realized that the light coming up was the sun and that she was walking down a sidewalk. As the sun got higher in the sky she started to realize where she was. Her school, Star Academy, stretched out up on its small hill, she was walking up the sidewalk that she had done thousands of times over the years. She smiled at it for a moment as she walked, thinking about all the trips she had made.

Kila turned as she heard a car honk beside her; she turned to see Marie and her mom pulling up beside her. She smiled and waved the paused. Was this a memory or reality?

The car slowed and Kila jogged up to the window, Marie rolled it down, Kila looked in and rested her arms on the window seal.

"Hey," Kila spoke a smile on her lips.

"Hey?" Marie looked annoyed, "You've been gone for a two months and all you have to say is Hey?!" Kila's eyes widened, defiantly reality...

"Um," Kila took a step backwards looking down at her body; she was in her spirited form. She suddenly had the urge to turn and run away. Marie jumped out of the car and wrapped her arms around her neck.

"I'm so sorry," Marie whispered into her ear. Kila froze for a second but wrapped her arms around her best friend.

"There is no reason to be," Kila pulled back and smiled at her friend. A car door closed and Marie's mother walked around the car and looked down at her. Mari's mother looked a lot like Marie; she had short brown hair that was parted on the side, with blue eyes, hidden behind wire frames. She had high cheek bones, a button noise and wore a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

"It's good to see you again Kila," She leaned down and gave her a hug. There was a sound of a skateboard rolling down the sidewalk, Marie and her mom stepped back to let the skater go by.

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