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Lry shot up out of her fur her eyes looking around, crazy wide. Lry's eyes stopped on Ezra, who was sitting up as well looking over at her.

"Did you hear that?" Ezra said standing up, he looked around. "Kila's gone." He looked over to Lry his eyes wide as well. "Where'd she go?" Ezra pulled his hair back from his face and tied it at the nap of his neck.

"Kila was sleeping with you?" Lry raised her eyebrow looking around.

"She had a nightmare," Ezra said shortly as if that explained everything. Lry paused and picked up Kila's bag.

"Something's wrong," Lry looked over to Ezra who nodded.

A scream echoed through the forest, sounding far away.

Lry's head snapped in the direction that it came from; Ezra was beside her in a second.

"That was Kila," He whispered.

"What was that?" Alex grunted awake. Ezra and Lry looked over at him.

"Stay here," Ezra said before he touched Lry's elbow and then started running. Lry took a second before she darted after him. He ran through the forest much faster than Lry could with her small legs. She had to jump over things that Ezra just had to step over. Lry kept running until she saw that Ezra had stopped dead, Lry ran up beside him and stopped.

"Nathan!" Ezra yelled and Lry followed gaze and saw Nathan running towards them. When he was a few feet away from Ezra he stopped and started whining before he took off in the direction that he had come.

"He knows where Kila is," Lry said before she started running after him. Ezra and his long legs out paced her and she watched him run forward.

Lry was the last one to run into the clearing and she stopped dead in her tracks. Kila was lying on her side; her wings were sticking out at an odd angle. Her legs were bent at the knees and it looked as if she had been lying on her stomach and someone had kicked her over. Her hair fanned out behind her head and her face was covered in dirt.
"What's wrong with her?" Lry said running over and sliding next to Ezra had his ear on her chest, listening to her heart beat. Nathan was pressing his noise up against Kila's cheek and when she didn't move he looked up at Lry with sad eyes.

"I'm not sure," Ezra shook her shoulders a little, "Kila!" He shouted at her, she didn't move. Lry knelt down next to her, her finger tracing around Kila's neck where a dark bruise was forming.

"What do you make of that?" She asked looking over to Ezra. He looked at it for a moment.

"No idea," He cocked his head to the side, "Looks like she had something tied around her neck." He ran his fingers around her neck. "We need to get her back to camp." Ezra picked Kila up so that her wings were hanging down dragging the ground just slightly. Her head lulled backward, her long silver hair cascading down his arm.

Lry gasped and Ezra stopped walking looking behind him. Kila's wings seemed to be falling apart; feather by feather fell down onto the ground. Lry reached down and started scooping them up. She pulled her shirt up so it made a make-shift basket and put them in.

"We have to get each feather," Lry said moving slowly as she picked them up. Ezra paused and looked at her.

"Leave them, we have to get her back now," His voice was rushed and full of concern.

"No!" Lry looked at him, the tone of her voice made him turn. "The feathers are part of her soul, we can't leave them." Ezra looked at her for a moment.

"Fine," He said still sounding rushed but he shorted his steps and a little walked slower.

"Put her on her stomach," Lry said as they reentered camp and she picked up the last feather. Alex ran over to Ezra.

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