Chapter XVII

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Kila sat up and looking around the tavern room, confusion filled her. First, she hadn't had any dreams last night and second Lry still wasn't in their room.

Kila folded the covers back and grinned. There was a pair of black boots sitting next to her bag. Kila walked over and picked them up, looking them over carefully. She took a deep breath and the smell of leather filled her noise. Grinning ear to ear she pulled out a jean skirt that had shorts underneath, a black top with blue roses on the front, and a black bra with no wiring. She changed quickly, and then half-ran half-walked into the bathroom and brushed her teeth and hair. She threw her purple flannel pj pants and her grey baggie shirt into the bag followed by her brush, tooth brush and tooth paste.

Kila shoved her hand into her bag and dug out a pair of sox and pulled them on. She did another once over on her new boots, looking at each stitch before she pulled them on and laced them up gently. Looking down she noticed that most of the bruising was hidden. She stood up and rocked back and forth. They were comfy! Grinning from ear to ear she did a once over on the room to make sure that they didn't forget anything, grabbed her bag and tossed it over her shoulder so it was sitting on her lower back and walked out into the hallway and bumped into Lry. Kila doubled over holding her chest.

"Morning," Kila stood up and took a deep breath and glanced over at Lry. Lry was wearing a skirt that went down to her knees and a black tank top, with a pair of black boots. Kila pulled her bag around to the front and started looking thought it.

"Are you almost ready to go? Everyone is waiting for you." Lry spoke sternly. Kila pulled the box out of her bag and went to hand it to Lry but she had already walked away.

"Lry wait up," She tried to hurry after her but paused clutching her ribs. Lry just kept walking. Kila sighed. "Lry we need to talk." There was no response; it was like Lry had just turned off the mental channel that they shared.

Down in the lobby, Simogan, Alex, Kulna, and Nata were sitting at a table eating; Kulna and Nata on the opposite side to Simogan and Alex. Kulna and Nata were back in their cloaks, hoods up as they ate. Alex was back in his armor, clanking every time he moved, his long sword was sitting up against the table. Simogan was wearing his jeans with the knee out, with a white shirt; his lumber jacket was draped over the back of his seat.

Kila paused at the stairs watching all of them eat in silence. She could feel how awkward it was from here.

Simogan watched Lry walk across the main floor and he got up and met her half way. Kila sighed inward before walking over to them.

"She is going to be traveling with us." Lry was saying.

"She's an elf though," Simogan whisper yelled, looking at Kila then back at Lry.

"Yes she is. Is there a problem with that?' Lry's voice was slightly edged but was still painfully nice.

"Well elves aren't usually allowed out of their territories," he spoke lightly, knowing he was hitting a nerve.

"Simon," Kila looked directly at him, "She's coming with us. Now stop." He looked like he was going to argue more but Kila walked over to the table. Alex looked up from his food. "Morning," He said between spoonful's of the oatmeal that he was eating. Kulna and Nata looked up both saying their 'Good Morning's.

"Did you find your boots?" Alex grinned; he had a piece of oatmeal stuck in his teeth. Kila grinned before coming around the table and showing him.

"There amazing!" She wrapped her arms around his neck giving him a good squeeze. "And super comfy!"

"I knew that you'd like them," He grinned real big. Kila pulled up a chair from one of the other tables and sat down adjacent from him.

"Morning, sleep well?" Kila looked over at Kulna; who looked up from her food then back down at it.

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