Chapter XIX

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It was weird being unconscious because it didn't feel like Kila was out of it. Though she knew she must be because she was flying over the forest feeling weightless. She saw smoke up ahead so she landed on the ground and walked the last couple of feet till she got to the clearing. Nata and Kulna were curled up in a blanket; it rose and fell as they breathed slowly.

Simon and Tarthan looked like they set up the tent because the ugly gray thing was set up and Tarthan tail was sticking out of the flap.

Alex was sitting next to the fire staring at it; he had taken his armor off and had it setting next to him by the fire. His finger stroking the holes in it, his thumb on his other hand rubbing his lower lip, his muscles under his shirt rippled like they wanted to escape.

Lry was sitting next to him, just staring into the fire. Kila looked down at the broken armor and guilt filled her. Alex got up for a moment and started off into the trees, his footsteps heavy on the grass ground.

"Alexander, you're not going to find her," Lry spoke without looking up at the fire, her voice hard. Kila could see the box that she had given her was by her feet. It didn't even look like she had opened it.

"Lry I don't know why you're being so hard on her!" Alex yelled turning and looking back into the fire. "You know it's not her fault." Alex took a deep breath and tried to calm his voice. "On top of the fact that we just jacked her from her world and drug her here, you could be a little more sympathy!"

"That's not her world!" Lry yelled, jumping to her feet, "She isn't from there and you know that!" Lry's tiny body was heaving as she breathed deeply, her finger pointed at Alex.

"I know, but Kila doesn't--"

"That isn't even her name," Lry stomped the ground with her foot, "This is all so irritating," Simogan poked his head out of the tent looking at her.

"You guys should try and be more quite," He looked over at the two sleeping as he stepped out of the tent, stretched and walked over to the fire. "Why don't you just tell her?" He sat down and rubbed his eye, "It would make things a lot easier."

"Yeah, how I'm I suppose to tell her that everything that she knows is a lie because her parents jacked her from the Academy and stole her memories!" Lry looked like she was about to cry.

"Well," Alex looked over at her, "You could say it nicer than that, but you do need to tell her." Alex scowled a little, "It's not her fault that she isn't properly trained, nor is it her fault that this is all new to her."

"Properly trained?" Lry laughed, "She isn't fooling me! She can use more magic now that if she had stayed at the Academy, but Nooooo. She has no idea what I'm talking about." Lry threw her arms up in the air in anger.

"Lry," Alex sat down heavily by the fire, "You need to explain something to me," She looked over at him her arms crossed and her eyebrow rose. "You said you've been watching over her for years, how did you not know that this was going to happen?" Lry's face turned an angry red.

"I haven't been able to constantly watch over her," Lry sighed and let out a long breath, "You see when I saw her, she was practicing magic. All the other times, I couldn't see her." Alex and Simogan shared a look.

"How often did you see her?" Simogan rubbed his hands together.

"I saw her about twice a month," Lry thought back, "But every time I saw her she was doing different things, of all ranges. I saw her doing the simple tasks over and over, but the more advanced things, I didn't see often." Lry looked over at Alex, "Can you understand my frustration now?" Alex and Simogan paused and shared a look again, both looking confused. "I thought she would at least have the basics down!"

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