Chapter XXIX

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After sorbet, Kila had said her goodbyes; her and Greffen headed off back towards the hot springs. Greffen looked down at her.

"So what really happened to Ezra?" He asked, a smile playing on his lips. Kila told him about the happenings at the hot springs and Ezra's rushed leave. Also that she had seen him in the market area, but she left out that he bought the skirt she had wanted. "So he told you to stay at the bathhouse?"

"Yeah, but I didn't--"

"Really want to so you headed to the market place?" Greffen looked down at her with his eyebrow raised. Kila paused then laughed.

"Let me guess, this use to happen often?" Kila smiled as they passed the huge palm tree and continued down the other path.

"You've never been good at following orders," Greffen looked down at her grinning. There was a few seconds paused, then Kila took a deep breath.

"Greffen I've got a question for you," Kila spoke under her breath, part of her wanted the answer, part of her didn't want Greffen to hear. She glanced over at him; he was looking ahead but turned to look down at her.

"Just one?" He smiled. Kila's face cracked a grin.

"For now,' Kila placed her hands behind her back.

"Alright," Greffen looked ahead, "Just one question."

"Okay," Kila paused as she tried to gather her thoughts. "You said when I disappeared I was six right uncle Greff?" Greffen looked down at her.

"Yes, you had just turned six before you left," He said nodding.

"And I've been gone for ten years right?" Kila glanced up at him. He paused for a moment.

"Yes again," Greffen looked down at her, "I don't understand where you are going with this?"

"Well," Kila stopped walking and looked up at him, "I'm fifteen." Greffen paused, his hand lifting to his face stroking his cheek.

"Are you sure of this?" Greffen spoke with curiosity in his voice.

"Well," Kila paused, "I'm pretty sure. My best friend from Earth; she and her mom are from Enthrum. Dani, my best friend's mom thought that I was Lry's Summoner originally, but when she found out my age decided against it." Greffen looked ahead on the path a pensive look on his face.

"Maybe it has something to do with your memories?" Greffen spoke after a moment. Kila glanced at him.

"What do you mean?"

"Well," Geffen paused as if taking a moment to collect his thoughts, "You've had most of your memory taken away right?" Kila nodded, "Well you might have lost some time in there somewhere," He paused again, "Does that make since?" Kila looked past him for a moment at the trees that lined the path.

"Yeah," She sighed, "It was just something that I was thinking about." Greffen placed his hand on Kila's shoulder making her look at him.

"I'm sure one day it will all make sense," Greffen smiled at her, making her face crack a smile.

"Yeah," Kila started walking down the path again, "It's just waiting to get to where it all makes since, that's the issue. It could take years for me to figure out everything."

"But that's just part of the adventure, right?" Kila glanced up at Greffen.

"Yes," Kila smiled for a second, "and mystery is what makes it so much more fun." Kila let out a short laugh, "You know I tell you this now but it's going to drive me crazy later." Geffen let out a chuckle.

"Yeah, I know," He reached over and wrapped his arm around Kila's shoulder as they walked. "But you'll get it."

The bathhouse came into view as they walked. Kila stopped dead in her tracks, making Greffen stop and look around. Ezra and Nagi were ahead of them, walking up the large steps that lead to the bathhouse. Ezra looked down at her, saying something that made Nagi laugh before she retorted back.

"Ezra!" Greffen's booming voice next to Kila made her jump slightly. Ezra kept walking so Geffen yelled louder, "Ezra!!" This time Ezra glanced around, his eyes resting on Kila for a moment before they jumped to Greffen; giving him the 'hand caught in the cookie jar' face. Nagi looked down at Greffen and Kila walking up the steps at them and her face went sour.

"I think you've lost something," Greffen was saying as they climbed the steps, his eyes were on Ezra. After a few seconds, they were standing on the same platform. Nagi crossed her arms and looked up at Greffen, popping one of her hips out. Ezra looked at Kila for a moment before his eyes went back to Greffen.

"I didn't realize that I had lost her," Ezra muttered, "She is supposed to be at the hot springs..." He trailed off glancing over at Kila, then at the ground.

"She told me that she had gotten bored, so she went and had sorbet with Mellia," Greffen laughed a little. Ezra didn't look annoyed but he had an odd expression on his face. "Mallicai even joined them, it was a lot of fun," Greffen's eyes glinted at Ezra for a moment, and then they turned to Nagi. They didn't exactly turn hard but a shadow defiantly passed over them. "Nagi, I will speak to you later," her face scrunched up, "You are dismissed." Nagi paused for a moment before she huffed and walked down the steps away from them. Greffen looked at Ezra; their eyes met for a second before Greffen bent down and whispered something in Ezra's ear. Ezra's eyes darted down to the ground.

"I know," he muttered. Kila turned around and looked out at the forest type area that was surrounding them and after a moment Greffen cleared his throat and Kila turned around.

"Kila," Greffen smiled sadly down at her, "You are leaving tomorrow morning, be sure you are ready to go." He wrapped her up in a hug. "I will see you before you leave tomorrow." Greffen waved as he walked down the steps and disappeared into the forest.

"Kila," She turned to see Ezra looking at her, "I'm sorry I ditched you earlier." Kila cocked her head to the side before flipping her bag around and digging in it for a second. She pulled out one of the lemon sorbets and shovel spoons; she blew on the sorbet and handed it to Ezra. He took it and looked over at her.

"It's okay," She smiled, "I had fun today. I met a few people that I already knew." She shrugged. "Did you at least have fun today?" Kila remembered the skirt that she had been looking at that Ezra had bought for Nagi; she tried to keep the sadness out of her smile.

"It was alright," He sat down on the steps, Kila sat on one step higher than him. "I would have rather spent the time with you." Kila watched Ezra stab the sorbet with his shovel spoon.

"Then why didn't you?" Kila spoke before she could stop herself, and she glanced away when Ezra looked back at her.

"It's," From the corner of her eye, she saw him turn back to his sorbet, his brown hair falling forward hiding his face, "really complicated." Kila stared at him for a moment as he took a couple bites of sorbet before she just looked out at the forest area. He had never really pressed her with the things she didn't want to share, so she wasn't going to do it to him.

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