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There was a loud thumping noise; Kila rubbed her eyes looking over at him. Ezra was a few feet away from her now; he had looked like he had jumped away from her in a hurry. He stood up and straighter his shirt, dipping down and picking up the orb with one hand.

"What's wrong?" She yawned, rubbing her eye. He raised his eyebrow before he turned and walked into the kitchen, she could see the slight pink tinge creeping up his face. Kila cocked her head to the side and stood up stretching. She felt a breeze around her knees; she glanced down and bolted into the bathroom. She had completely forgotten she hadn't changed last night. She pressed her back up against the door, feeling her face turn red as well.

Kila heard a signal knuckle tap on the door behind her.

"Take a shower," Ezra's muffled voice said from the other side of the door. Kila looked over at the shower and cringed a little. Her opening up the shower there being a huge, black harry spider replayed in her mind.

"I don't want to," She said back. She glanced around the bathroom for the first time realizing that her bag and towel weren't in there. "Where's my stuff?"

"Out here with me," Kila could hear the smile in his voice.

"Hand it to me?" Kila opened the door slightly, sticking her hand through. Kila felt her towel get pressed into her hand. "Can I have my bag?" She peeked out, looking at him.

"After you take a shower," He crossed his arms. She paused.

"But all my shower stuff is in there!" She protested. Ezra walked out of view and came back holding her bag. She reached out to grab it.

"Nope," He said holding it open for her, "Grab what you need and I'll give it to you when you get out." She made a whining noise.

"But the spider was in there," She whined.

"I could get in with you," He grinned at her. She paused, then opened her mouth and closed it a couple of times. "I was joking," He handed her the bag. "Take a shower; I'll replace the bandage on your arm when you get out." He turned and walked out of view again. Kila sighed, and closed the door.

She striped Ezra's shirt, looking down at it. She wasn't sure what she thought of him or what he was trying to get at. She put the shirt to her noise breathing in the sandalwood and sweet, she paused trying to remember where the sweet smell was.

Kila sat Ezra's shirt down on the sink and walked over, peeking into the bottom of the shower. Nothing was there. She took a couple deep breaths before she grabbed her showing stuff and turned the water on.

Kila looked at herself in the mirror for a moment, the braids that she had put in the day before were falling out. She reached up and touched the feather, then went to untie it from her hair.

"Don't take this off until you are out of the forest." Greffen's words rang though her mind making her lower her arms. She looked at it for a moment, then reached up and untied it from her hair and reattaching it to her wrist. Then she pulled her braids out one by one letting her hair fall around her shoulders. The mirror started to fog, so she turned and got into the shower. She stood in the water for a moment, letting it flow over her body before she started scrubbing.

After a few minutes she reached out and grabbed her towel wrapping it around her body. There was a knock at the door.

"Foods almost ready," Ezra said though the wood.

"Okay," Kila shouted back, "I'll be out in a minute." She dried her body quickly, and then looked into her bag pulling out her skirt with the shorts underneath, underwear, a bra and a black tank top. Kila paused and picked up Ezra's shirt, then shoved it into her bag before running her brush though her hair. She looked into the mirror again, directly into her own eyes before she turned and walked out into the front room. "Hey Ezra," She looked around and saw him duck out from the kitchen. "Would you put this back in my hair?" She held up her arm, the feather dangled in the air.

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