Chapter XXVII

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Kila blinked a couple times in the brightness, the fresh fallen snow reflecting the sun made her eyes hurt. She rubbed them furiously.

"Kila!" Kila spun on her heal and her jaw dropped, she saw standing in front of her house back on Earth. Everything looked relatively fine. She looked around there was a large crack in the street and a couple houses looked off balance but apart from that, it was all the damage she could see. "Kila!" There was a loud pounding noise. Kila looked back to her house. Marie was standing on her front porch slamming her fist on the door screaming. "Kila, come on!" Kila walked over to Marie.

"I don't think she's home honey!" Her mother yelled from the car. Marie turned and looked right though Kila at her mother. She turned back and looked into the window before she turned, slumping her shoulders as she walked back to the car.

"I don't understand," Marie was saying as she got into her mom's car. Kila followed her and seemed to phase though the door but landed on the seat in the back. Marie was looking ahead with her jaw set; Kila could tell that her best friend was trying not to cry. "Everything in their house is covered with white tarps."

"It's okay," Her mom reached over and placed a hand on her leg, rubbing it.

"No its not!" Marie's lower lip started to quiver. "Where is her mother? Have they all disappeared?"

"I'm sure her mother is here somewhere."

"I wish we had at least left off on good terms. She kept talking to me about these dreams she was having and I blew her off!" She took a deep breath.

"What kind of dreams?" Her mother looked at her out of the corner of her eye.

"She said that she kept seeing people fighting on big dogs," Marie sighed, "This all started to happened when her dad disappeared and that stupid stone that he gave her." Marie's mom stopped at a stop sign and looked over at her.

"What stone?"

"It was some stone that her dad made her before he up and left."

"What did it look like?" Marie looked at her mom for a moment.

"Um," She grabbed a sharpie from the center console and drew the Y with an extra line and circle. "Like this," Marie's mom looked at it for a moment. The person behind them honked and she looked back at the road and started to drive again.

"Does it mean something?" Marie's mom was looking out the front window and didn't seem to hear her.

"Yes, it does honey." Marie's mom looked ahead not looking over at Marie, the way her mouth was set it mean that the conversation was over for now.

Kila wished that she could reach over and give her best friend a hug, tell her that everything was okay and that she would be home soon. Kila reached over and went to touch her friend, but looked over at her mom for a moment. They were at a stop light and Marie's mom was staring right at Kila. She was pail.

"Mom, what are you looking at?" Marie said looking in the back though Kila and back to her mother.

"You don't see her?" Marie's mom didn't look away but kept her eyes on Kila.

"See who?" Marie was obviously getting upset.

"How are you here?" She muttered.

"Mom!" Marie burst out, "There is no one there!" Marie's mom held up a hand.

"Don't move," Marie's mom ordered as she turned into a parking lot and turned almost completely around in her seat.

"Mom, who are you talking to?" Marie was looking in the back of the car and back at her mother.

"How can you see me?" Kila looked at Marie's mom for a moment, cocking her head to the side. "How come Marie can't?"

"I'm not sure," Marie's mom looked to Marie who was obviously getting very upset. "Are you dead?" Kila thought for a moment.

"No, I don't think so." Kila looked down at herself, "I'm pretty sure Alex and Lry healed everything, though I'm still unconscious."

"Healed?" Marie's mom looked at her for a moment, "Alex?" She took a deep breath, "Kila where are you?" Kila smiled as she felt the familiar tug of wire that seemed to connect her to her body.

"I don't have a lot of time; please tell Marie that it's okay," Kila smiled, "and that I forgive her and that when I get back I'll have many stories to tell her." Kila smiled as Marie's mom reached back as if to grab her and fell downward into the back seat. "I'll see you later Marie," Marie jumped and looked around the car.

"Kila?! Mom what the hell is going on?" Marie was still yelling as the string that held her to her body started to real her in. She closed her eyes enjoying the feeling of weightlessness.  

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