Chapter XVI

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"Lry!" Alex yelled at her, "You're glowing," Lry paused and looked down at herself. She was glowing and growing. Her torso was longer, as we as her legs and arms. Her bust filled out and her hair fell down past her butt. Lry paused to look herself over, looking amazed.

"There is no way this could happen," Lry looked around, "We need to hurry." She started to run down the street again.

"Lry," Simogan yelled as they ran, "What do you mean?" Lry looked distracted as she looked around before darting in another direction. "Lry! What do you mean?" Lry paused at an intersection.

"It means that she broke the seal on my stone," Simogan looked aghast.

"Seal?" Alex looked at them both dumfounded.

"Yes seal," Lry took a deep breath, "My stone is the strongest stone ever to be made that is why it is so important as to who I choose to be my Summoner. They have to able to look at things from a logical point of view." Lry rung her hands together. "But since my stone is so strong it has levels of seals on it so that the person I choose doesn't channel too much energy though themselves and end up destroying their soul." Alex looked confused. "Look, the point of the Summoner for my stone is so that we can fight side by side in battle."

"But when you guys fought in the desert you guys were one person." Alex looked at her, while he spoke.

"That's the first stage; we fight together so that she can get use to flying and using magic. I'm basically in control. It tones down the levels of control that I get and she takes over more to the point that she can handle all of it."

"Okay, so which seal did she break?" Alex looked at her with worry in her eyes.

"All of them," Lry looked at the ground then directly into Alex's eyes. "If we don't stop her, she'll die and the words will go out of balance forever."

Alex opened his mouth to say something but a column of light appeared right in the middle of the housing district. There was the distinct sound of breaking glass. Lry looked at it for a moment.

"Come on we have to hurry," Lry turned and started to run towards the light. After a few seconds the light disappeared.

"Lry," Simogan was running beside her, "How can this happen? You have to have the amount of energy to break the bonds in the seals before you can use them. Kila couldn't even clean a pot," He paused and she looked over at him. "She blew it up..." he broke off as Lry looked at him.

"Because she used too much energy," Something dawned on Lry's face. "What if she does have the energy and the ability but she doesn't know how to use it?" Simogan looked down at Tarthan for a moment.

"It's possible," Simogan looked back down at Tarthan, "He says that if she subconsciously knows how to use it then she will go into auto pilot."

"What does that mean?" Alex yelled from behind them.

"It means that she'll be able to tap into the power," Simogan yelled back, "Apart from that I'm not sure." They rounded the street corner and saw the mansion up ahead.

"Either way it isn't good," Lry yelled back. She slowed as she came up to the mansion, her mouth hanging open. All the windows where busted out and there was glass everywhere. Lry scanned the building. "There she's in that room!" She pointed up to a hole where a window used to be; illuminating light was flowing out and onto the street. "We have to get up there now!" Lry looked behind her. "Can you jump that high?" They nodded, "okay, let's go!" Lry ran over to the window, as she did so large feathery wings unfolded from her back and she jumped, her wings beat once and were gone before she landed inside. Alex, Simogan and Tarthan landed next to her.

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