Chapter XXXII

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When Kila woke up there was two things she noticed. One was that she had fallen asleep on Ezra's bedding and that Ezra was sleeping next to her with his arm wrapped protectively around her waist. Two, was that there was a dead rabbit next to her face.

She screamed, pushing backwards on Ezra. Ezra woke up with a start and looked around, his eyes sharp, when nothing met his eyes; he looked over at Kila who was now five feet to the right, still looking at the dead rabbet as she tried to calm her heart. He looked over at it and back at her and just started laughing.

"What are you afraid it's gonna bite your noise?" He said still laughing a little. Kila walked over and smacked him with her good arm.

"Why is there a dead rabbit right next to my face," She looked up at him, his laughter sort of died in his throat.

"Well that's a good question." He reached down and picked it up. "Well it's still fresh which means that we can eat it for breakfast." He looked at it closely. "Its neck was broken," he smiled at her again, before he walked out a little from the camp.

"What are you doing?" Kila started to walk after him.

"I'm going to gut it," he paused and looked at her, "Unless you want to do it." She paused.

"Na," She waved her hand a little. "I'm good." Ezra smirked.

"You've never dressed an animal before have you?" Kila raised her eye brow at him.

"If I say no are you going to make me dress it?" She crossed her arms.

"Are you gonna throw up if I make you do it." Kila thought for a moment.

"Not sure," she paused not sure if she wanted to learn but curious none the less, "It's a possibility." She shrugged.

Ezra laughed out loud, and flashed that smile at her. Holding up the rabbit by its ears, he shook it so the wave went all the way down the body. She watched it, feeling kind of sad for the little thing. He laughed again, still shaking the rabbit.

"Come on," he smiled, an odd glint in his eye. "You wanna learn." He was still smirking at her.

"Um," She shuffled her feet, "how about I just watch and the next one I'll do." He started to way away, laughing a little. He stopped by a bush and crouched down pulling a knife out of his pocket. Kila walked up slowly, watching him.

About half way through Kila decided that she was going to go back to the camp, a few minutes later Ezra walked back with the rabbit. Only it had no skin and a large cut from its chin down its belly.

"Couldn't stomach it?" He grinned at her; she flashed him a weak smile.

"No, that wasn't the issue," She muttered as walked over and paused.

"No?" He looked around again. "Hold this," he shook the rabbit at her. She looked at it for a moment before she stood up and took the ears from his grasp.

"I kinda fell sorry for it," she muttered holding the rabbit away from her body, not looking at it. Ezra laughed as he found more wood and made a small fire.

"Well your belly isn't going to be sorry," He flashed a grin at her as he threw the green balls around the fire again. He held his fist in the other one again and after a second there was fire licking at the wood.

"Yeah I know," She muttered as he walked back over and took the rabbit from her. He pulled out his knife again and started to cut the rabbit into slices. Kila walked over and sat by the fire; looking into it.

"So last night," Kila looked over at him, "You were talking about paint, what did you mean?" Kila paused thinking back.

"Oh, well" She looked back into the fire, "When you try and heal someone you are mixing your own magic with theirs, most healers can't heal themselves because the magic is already there." She glanced over at him, he looked confused. "It's like mixing paint, when you are trying to get a different color you have to mix two together, it's a lot like energy. You need an additional magic source to heal someone else." He still looked confused, "It's like taking blue and blue and trying to get purple, you can't do it. You will only end up with the same blue color. However, if you take red and mix it with blue, you will get purple; it's the same with magic. You need the extra color to make your cells realize that they need to start doing something." Ezra looked down as he stuck a piece of meat onto a stick and put it next to the fire, he seemed to be thinking.

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