Chapter XXX

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           "Well let's get going," Ezra said as he threw the last couple of things into his bag and looked over at Kila who was sitting at his desk chair rocking back and forth. It was really early, Kila didn't even think the sun had come up yet, but Ezra had woken her and said they were heading out. Kila stood from the desk chair and took a couple steps towards the door.

Ezra watched her for a moment before he walked over and picked up the glass orb, looking at it. Different emotions passed over his face for a few seconds before he placed it gently into the bag.

"Ready?" Kila asked as she opened the door, Ezra nodded as he strapped his katars onto his wrists and threw on his dark brown traveling cloak. Kila watched him for a moment before she walked out and looked over the railing into the atrium. She looked down at the market place, thinking of Mellia. Ezra placed a hand on her shoulder; she turned and looked at him.

"You'll be back," he said before he let his hand drop and he too looked out at the atrium, his eyes looking distant and sad. Kila took a sharp breath in.

"I'm following you," Kila said, pulling Ezra back from his thoughts. He looked at her for a moment before she tossed his bag over his shoulder and started to walk.

They headed up through the maze that was Greenery Village yet again. Only this time they moved upward on the levels instead of down. Ezra ducked behind walls that were actually stair wells and walked along more balconies that over looked the atrium.

Kila felt the sudden want for him to hold out his arm so that she didn't get lost, but she didn't want to ask. After a few minutes, they were standing at the top of the waterfall; the very tip of the atrium was right above them. Kila watched Ezra as he walked into the waterfall; she stopped short.

"Come on," Ezra said popping his head back out of the waterfall and pulling her towards him. She tried to resist not wanting to get wet but she lost her footing and fell forward into the water. After a second she looked around realized that she wasn't wet at all.

Kila followed Ezra closely and after a few second she almost tripped on a step that appeared under her foot. She glanced up at Ezra, who wasn't paying attention to her. She sighed and looked down at her feet so she didn't trip again. The steps went upwards and after a few moments she was stepping out of the pond that she had originally met Ezra at. Ezra held out a hand for Kila, which she took and stepped upward onto the grass. She looked over at the tree line, and paused, her hand still in his.

"That Lost lady isn't going to attack us again;" She looked over at them, "Is she?"

"She shouldn't," Ezra pulled his hand from hers slowly and took his bag off his shoulder, rummaging through it. He paused and glanced over at her, "Kila move, someone else is leaving." Then he directed his attention back to the bag.

Kila glanced behind her, in the pond where a dark shadow had formed just under the surface. Kila took a couple side steps so she was on the next to Ezra now. The shadow became darker for a moment then a head broke through the surface. Greffen smiled at them as they climbed up the last couple of steps.

"Good, I caught you before you guys got too far out," he smiled at Kila, "I have a gift for you."

"A gift?" Kila took the couple steps over towards him.

"Yeah," He grinned and held up one long feather. The feather was white except for the very end, which was black. Attached at the end of the feather was a length of leather, and on either side of the feather, there was strands of leather handing down. The strands had beads of all different colors and designs. "This charm will ward off any Lost you might come in counter with," He paused looking at her face. "You weave it into your hair," He paused again, "Here,"

Kila reached up and pulled her hair from its catch at the nape of her neck, letting the silver hair fall down around her. Geffen took a strand of hair that was close to the top. Kila felt him moving her hair this way and that, then after a few seconds he took a step back. Kila looked up at him and he grinned.

"It looks very nice," He said smiling. Kila walked over to the pond looking down at the reflective surface. The length of leather had been braided into a piece of her hair, and it fell sideways on her head. Kila looked down at the reflection for a moment before she rummaged thought her bag and found another hair tie. She parted her hair and braided it into two separate braids. She grinned, looking back at her reflection; her stubborn bangs fell down into her face. The feather sat off to the side. Kila turned as Greffen walked up beside her.

"Now," He said placing a hand on her shoulder, "Don't take this off while you're in the forest." He smiled down at her.

"Alright," Kila smiled back.

"Now," He sighed a little before pulling Kila into a hug, "You two be safe," He let go of her and smiled before he walked over to Ezra. They clapped each other's forearms and then pulled each other into a one armed hug. "Watch her," Greffen said letting go and looking down at Ezra, then rustling his hair, "And be careful." Ezra flashed his grin.

"I'll be back soon," Ezra picked up his bag; Kila looked at him for a moment. He had a feather tied into his hair as well, only his was completely black with a white tip. The beads fell down on either side of the feather; she saw different colors and patterns on it just slightly before he moved his head.

"Yeah I know," Greffen walked over to the edge of the pond, "Both of you come back soon." Kila nodded and gave a little wave as she followed Ezra out of the small clearing and out into the forest.

"Wait!" The voice came from behind Greffen and he moved aside, Kila and Ezra stopped and looked back. Mallei came up from the pond followed by other elves. Kila smiled as she recognized a lot of them: the sorbet owner, the weapon shop owner, the lady with the little boy, the elf that had given her directions. Then, the little boy she had saved came up with his mother and father, followed closely by Mallicai, who stayed close to Greffen, who looked at him and back at Kila, seemly looking the other direction.

"You two weren't trying to leave without saying good bye?" The weapon shop owner said smiling at Kila then to Ezra. Kila's face arched upward in a smile.

"No," Kila lied. She knew that everyone cared for her but she didn't know they cared this much. A few more random elves came up from the pond. Kila ran over and gave Mellia a hug. "I'll be back this time, I promise."

"You better," Mellia spoke softly, Kila felt her should dampen, and knew that the old elf was crying. When she let go of Mellia, she saw that Ezra was grasping arms with the weapon shop owner, and they were clapping each other's backs. Mallicai stepped forward.

"I'll see you next time," He opened his arms wide and Kila jumped into them.

"Yes." Kila spoke softly.

After she gave everyone a hug and said her goodbyes and lastly she hung on Greffen's neck.

"Tell Lidnth that I'm going to be trying my hardest." She spoke into his ear.

"I will," He let go and looked into her eyes. "We will always be watching over you Kila, never forget that." He placed his forehead onto hers, "Don't let the confusion cloud your judgment." Kila smiled at him.

"I'll try," As she spoke she let go of Greffen and stepped backwards towards Ezra. She looked back at everyone and noticed that there was a small child with long blond hair and blue eyes looking at her from behind Greffen's legs. Kila instantly knew that it was Lidnth.

"Are you ready?" Ezra asked as she turned to him. Kila nodded as he reached up and wiped a tear from her eye, "No crying, you'll come back this time." Kila nodded again.

"Ezra," Ezra paused and looked over Kila's head at Greffen, "Remember to take her to Lry and Simogan, then you can do whatever you like." Kila looked at Ezra; his face seemed to freeze for a few seconds, before he nodded.

Kila turned around and waved to everyone as they walked past the clearing as everyone disappeared from sight.

"It's weird," Kila muttered as he let her head fall into Ezra's back, Ezra stopped walking. "I finally made it home and now I'm leaving already." Ezra turned around and gave Kila a hug around her shoulders, pressing Kila's face into his chest. She breathed in Ezra's smells, it eased her mind a little.

"You'll be back," Ezra whispered, "You'll see them again... all of them."

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