Chapter XXXVII

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Kila felt an arm wrapped around her shoulders and a hand stroking her hair softly.

"Now," Ezra breath danced across her skin, "Why are you in my bed?" He whispered to her. Kila glanced over the fur to see that everyone around the camp was still asleep. Nata was still awake looking around at the camp but made no notion that she knew that they were awake. The moons were still high in the sky. She looked up at Ezra; his eyes were soft as he looked down at her, his head propped on his elbow.

"My dream woke me up..."Kila said ducking back under the fur. Ezra tapped her head and she peeked out.

"So why did you come over here?" He raised his eyebrow. Kila shrugged.

"Felt right..." Kila muttered. Kila leaned into Ezra, letting his sandalwood and sweat smell fill her noise. "I don't want you to go," She muttered into his chest. "Traveling without you seems lonely." Ezra's hand found her hair and stroked it softly.

"But you won't be alone," He spoke softly, "You'll be with everyone else, right?"

"Yeah," Kila sighed, "But I'll still miss you. I've played it over and over in my mind." She paused, "Traveling without you and it just makes me really sad to think that you're not going to be with me anymore." Kila trailed off, putting her head down onto the fur.

"I'm sure you'll be fine," He leaned his cheek against her head. "Get some sleep; I'll chase away the scary monsters." Kila smiled.

"You're silly Ezra," She muttered, letting him pet her hair absent mindedly as her eyes fell shut.


Kila looked around, then down at herself. There were two major things that she noticed. One was that she was standing in front of Marie's house. Her light blue house with an off white trim and white picket fence was covered in a fresh blanket of snow and the second thing was that she was in her spirit form.

Kila looked up at the house for a long moment before she realized that Marie mom's car wasn't in the drive way. She walked up the sidewalk and over to the garage. The car was inside and it was completely clean of any snow. Kila turned and looked down at the fresh show on the drive way. There were no car tracks leading to or away from the house.

Kila glanced up at the sky, wondering what day it was here on Earth. The sky didn't bring her any answers. After a while she turned and walked up the house, looking down at her feet as she went. They made no marks in the snow. She noted that there were no foot prints going to or from the house, either.

At the front door Kila looked in the little window at the top. All of the lights were off and it didn't seem like anyone was home. Kila cocked her head to the side and looked though one of the side windows but the same thing met her eyes. Kila made an 'hmm' noise before she walked around the side of the house into the backyard and up the small wooden porch on the back. She looked into the kitchen window; and yet again all the lights were off. The house looked empty and abandoned. Kila sat down on one of the snow covered steps.

If their car was here, then shouldn't they be here too? She wondered looking at the house. They didn't have any other means to travel around town for work or school. Kila looked from the house to the sky. Marie would never take the bus; she flat out refused saying the buses weren't for her. Kila stood up on the balcony railing looking at the roof before she let herself fall backwards.


Kila turned over in her sleep as her soul reentered her body, she could feel Ezra's soft breathing as he slept next to her.

Kila heard Nathan growl which pulled her from her sleepy daze and made her sit up. Nathan was a few feet away. He was facing a bush and was growing at it.

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