Chapter VIII

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The first thing that Kila noticed was a tiny little black spec in the distance, they the closer they got she saw that the tiny spec was growing larger in the distance. After a half an hour later they were standing right outside the large was that stretched up wards the sky. They were dusty and crumbling as if they had been here for years and no one had bothered to repaired them.

The group walked into the town though an opening in the wall that was so small they had to walk in a single line to get in. Tarthan had shrunk down to a normal size and was trotting right behind Simogan.

"Hey Alex?" She spoke to his large backpack that was right in front of her. He gave her an 'hmm' noise because he couldn't turn around in the small space. "How come the entrance to this town is so small?"

"Oh that," He yelled over his shoulder, "It's to keep the creatures from the desert out." Kila thought for a moment.

"Can't the just burro down under the ground?"

"Oh no, this entire town is built on slaps of a hardened rock. Nothing can get up into the town and likewise they can't really build down, so they build up." The wall opened up and Kila walked through and paused next to Alex.

The town was very small and very large at the same time. Kila could see the other side of the wall from where she was standing now. However, the building that covered the small area were really tall. She looked at the wall and realized that a couple of the building stretched up past it. All of the buildings were made of an adobe material and what looked like wood.

On ground level there seemed to be smaller buildings that were built to keep the larger ones up. They were short, maybe one or two stories, and they were built around the bases of the larger ones. Most of the town looked as if it was stacked on top of itself holding the entire thing up.

There was a ton of people walking around. They all wore what seemed like brown traveler cloaks, most of them had the hoods up to keep the sun from touching their faces. They were stopping off at stalls that lined the roads, buying things here and there before moving on or staying to chat.

Kila's group started off down the main strip, surrounded by stalls and people. Lry walked up beside her.

"Isn't this fantastic?" She looked around smiling. "This is the town of Danu (Dan-oo)." Kila was looking around at the stalls. "The name translates to the city on the sand." She giggled.

"Really?" Lry nodded. Kila looked around again. "Hey Simon," She looked over at the Summoner and his dog who were admiring things from afar here and there. "Simon," Tarthan looked up at her, before she reached over and poked him in the ear. He jumped a foot to the right almost knocking several people over.

"What was that for?" He scowled.

"I was talking to you and you weren't paying attention," Simogan had his hand over his ear rubbing the side of his head. "Anyway Simon, are we staying here tonight?"

"Yeah we'll be here for a couple days. We need to get some supplies and a new pot and..." He paused seemly lost in his train of thought.

Kila took a sharp breath in before she grabbed Lry's hand, "Wanna go look around since we're going to be here for a little." Lry nodded and Kila turned back to Simogan who looked like he was trying to figure out something to say. "We're gonna go look around." They smiled before taking off into the crowd.

"Wait," Simogan yelled after them, "Let Alexander and I come with you."

"Oh well be fine," Lry spoke as Kila smiled. Alex lifted a hand and waved. Simogan looked slightly conflicted on if he should follow and before he could make his decision they turned the corner and Alex and Simogan were out of site.

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