Chapter IX

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Kila and Lry walked down the strip of cobble stone again and turned. Up ahead there was a group of people surrounding a small stage, where a man dressed in brown stood. He didn't look older than sixteen or seventeen. He had brown shaggy hair fell into his eyes, and every once and a while he flicked his head to move the hair out of the way as he spoke. He had piecing brown eyes that scanned the crowd as he spoke as if he was looking for someone.

The two guards that stood next to him were different as day and night. One wore light cloth of brown, he had his hood up and arms crossed. The other one was in full black body armor, with a large sword hanging off of his belt.

"I am the Prince of Sathreph," The man began holding his arms wide. "No one knew where our former king, my father, placed my sister so many years ago. Therefore, we do not know if she is still amongst the living or if she has passed on. Until the day that she is standing in front of all of you, we need a new ruler." He looked around again as everyone started to mutter to the person next to them, some agreeing and other shaking their heads. "As prince, I would be happy to accept such a title," He smiled out at the crowd.

"Lies!" A girl's voice yelled from the back. Kila looked around. The girl in question had brown hair that was pulled tightly into a bun, tied off with faded red ribbon and blazing blue eyes. She stood next to the girl with the green eyes, Kila paused and looked closer. She had the same eyes as the girl that had tried to sell her the cup earlier. The blond haired girl went up to about the girl with green eyes' midriff. She had her hands on her hips under the large brown cloak, showing a small bit of a blue dress. "I have never heard of a prince being born, Princess Kulna will appear." The girl with the green eyes was shaking her head as she muttered something to the girl.

"How do you know she is even alive?" The 'prince' on stage yelled back.

"How are you so certain that she is dead?" The girl crossed her arms, holding her head high. "Unless you saw to her death yourself?" At this statement, everyone in the crowd had eyes on the 'prince' on the stage. His Adams apple bobbed a little as he swallowed.

"I am not saying for sure that she is dead," He smiled at the crowd, "I am simply saying that no one has seen her since her--our father put her in hiding all those years ago." Kila looked back at the girl, but she was gone along with the girl that had green eyes.

Kila looked back up at the stand where the 'prince' was still speaking. She had missed part of what he said. She looked down at Lry who was glaring up at the stand.

"Come on let's go," Kila muttered then reached down and grabbed Lry's hand and started to walk down the street.

He seemed to appear out of thin air with a sweeping bow and a smile on his face. The man that had been wearing brown on the stand with the 'prince' was now standing in front of them. Kila took a step back looking him up and down, not sure how to act.

"My master wishes to have dinner with the two of you; tonight. It will be at the largest house in town." His speech was very fast and sleek.

"I don't think we will be able to make it." Kila said her voice showing that she had no trust in man. "Our companions will not be happy with us going without them."

"They are welcome to come along as long as you are there." He spoke almost instantly, which made Kila pause.

"We'll see." She muttered. And with that he was gone, back into the abyss of the people. Lry looked up at her.

"Why can't we go, I want to see what the fake prince is up to." Lry said her eyes turning to look innocent.

"Fake prince?" Kila looked down at Lry's puppy dog gaze.

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