Chapter X

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Kila and Lry followed Simogan back to the tavern that they were staying at. Alex was sitting at one the tables inside sipping on a cup.

"Alexander," Simogan burst in, "Come on get ready to go." Alex looked over at him then at the girls.

"You agreed to go?" He raised an eyebrow, Simogan looked around eagerly. Kila sighed.

"It wouldn't hurt," Lry said excitedly, as Kila just looked at Alex, wishing that he would put an end to it, but he didn't. He stood up and gave a small shrug to Kila.

"Here's your room key," Simogan pushed a key into her hands, "You're in room fifteen, go change into something." Kila looked down at her clothing.

"Did you forget that because you kidnapped me I don't have any clothing," Kila raised an eyebrow at him. Simogan however wasn't paying attention but heading up the stairs. Alex rolled his eyes and headed up after Simogan shaking his head.

"Well?" She looked down at Lry.

"Check your bag," Lry sighed. Kila raised an eyebrow but moved her bag from her lower back to the front of her and started to rummage through it. After a second she pulled out a black dress. She held it up.

"This is so pretty!" She gave Lry a hug. "Come on lets go get changed," Kila grabbed Lry and dragged her up the stairs to room fifteen and walked inside. It was a small room with two twin beds and a night stand in the middle.

Kila opened a door to her right, and found a bathroom; she closed the door and walked over to the bed setting her bag down as she went. Kila threw her clothing off quickly pausing when she looked down at the necklace that hung around the bottom of her collar bone.

It reminded her so much of the one that her father had made, she looked at it for a moment. Lry came up behind her and tightened the square knots so that it was like a choker.

"You should wear it like this," Lry spoke from behind her as she ran her fingers though Kila's silver hair. Kila turned. "You don't want to go tonight?" Lry looked up at Kila as she spoke. "You could always stay here?"

"Yeah I know. I don't really want to but someone has to watch out for Simogan and it's just mean to make Alex do it all the time." Kila smiled at Lry.

"Alrighty!" She smiled Kila pulled the dress over her head. "Let's get ready!" She looked around for Lry. Who had already changed?

Lry was wearing a light blue halter dress that went down to her knees and black heals. Kila cocked her head to the side.

"What? Doesn't it look good?" Lry looked down at herself.

"No, no it looks great," Kila paused, "How did you-?"

"Change?" Kila nodded, "It's as easy as blinking," Kila looked at Lry, she was back in her normal clothing, she blinked again, back in the dress.

"Okay, now you're just showing off," Her laughter chimed though the small room.

Kila pulled the material down around her waist and let the skirt flow down around her knees. She looked in her bag and found black slippers. She looked in the mirror. The dress was a turtle neck with no sleeves. Lry looked at her in the mirror.

"You look great!" Lry piped from her side, Kila smiled. It wasn't often that she got to dress up for no reason but this should be fun. She reached up and touched the stone that was hugging her neck but hidden behind the fabric. As she felt the warmth of the stone through the fabric she thought of her parents and Marie. Kila wondered if they were alright. She realized that Lry was looking at her so she smiled.

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