Chapter XVIII

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Small animals scurried away as she approached. Time slowly mulled past. As the sun shone thought the leaves, it moved across the sky, then making the sky turn a deep red, mixed with purple and orange.

The large trees formed a dark canopy overhead. Looking around, Kila started to feel as if she had been here before. The tall trees seemed to be forming what looked like a hallway as they bent inward towards each other. The grass was all flattened down, and looked like it had been walked often. As she kept on, a small pond appeared in the distance. The three moons hung in the air being hidden either by the trees or passing clouds.

Kila had a sinking feeling that she had been here before, her feet kept on walking forward. She started to rack her memory as she came to the edge of the pond. She sat down and pulled her bag around so that it was sitting on her lap and she started going through it, looking for her journal. Out of the corner of her eye she saw her reflection; she leaned over the water and looked down into it, sighing deeply.

She still had her mix-matched eyes even though they looked as if they had lost a little bit of their spark. Her long silver hair reached around her back, had it gotten longer?

Kila paused thinking back to how things use to be; before she had been grabbed and taken to this weird world, before she started having these weird dreams, before her dad disappeared. She could see it perfectly in her mind:

Kila would come home from school to find her father sitting at the dining room table waiting for her with a different snack each day. He was always ready to talk about the day and how things went; help on her homework and advice with drama at school.

Dad would start dinner half-way though math. The smell of his cooking would fill the house and make everyone's mouth water. He'd always sneak her little bites if she got the question correct.

Mom would come home a little after that, and her parents would sit and talk while she would go up to her room and finish the homework. Dad would call her down for dinner, and they'd all eat together, talking and laughing.

Mom wasn't always busy with work and clients and she didn't drink that often. She smile kept over her face, a real one, not one of the fake ones she had been seeing so much of.

Everything had been going great then; there wasn't anything that the three of them couldn't deal with, as long as they had each other.

But then.

Everything had started going really bad when dad started acting odd. He stopped meeting her after school, and spent most of his waking time in the basement. Then one morning when he handed her the necklace, his face had a huge smile on it and his normal clean hands were blackened.

She thought hard on the memory thinking of what her father would say if he could see her now. Running away from her problems, he would definitely be disappointed. Her face fell a moment as she knew that her father would never steer her wrong and that he gave her the necklace for a reason. She paused for a moment knowing that there was something that she had been missing.

There was a slight singing noise from the blade as it was pressed against her throat.

"Can I help you?" The blades owner said. She paused, she knew that voice. Kila ran her hand though the air as the particles formed into her staff, she wiped it around and heard a small amount of fabric get caught on the wood. Pain shot up her chest from the movement, but as she turned her face to the man, she was careful to keep the pained look out of her eye.

The boys frame was skinny and tall. His brown hair stuck out from underneath the hood, a cloth covered his nose and mouth so that only his brown eyes shown though. His brown clothing was tight and baggie at the same time, fitting his form perfectly. His blade shot back into his sleeve. As Kila turned, the man's movements paused.

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