A Toast with Blood

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"Oh my! Look it's him! Michael Potter!" yelled one person out of the big crowd waiting for the Hogwarts Express at King's Cross Station.

"He's so dreamy!" swooned two girls who looked liked twins.

"I bet he'll be in Gryffindor!" said on guy in the crowd.

"Of course he will you git! Where else would the guy who killed a Dark Lord at only two years old be?" shouted another person as the crowd swarmed the Potter parents and the smirking Michael Potter who was an exact replica of his father, but with green eyes behind thick framed glasses.

Off to the side of the mob of adoring fans the train pulled up there was a boy whose face was hidden under the hood of a black hoody and wearing dark blue jeans who went on before anyone came to their senses. He had no suitcase or any luggage, but he boarded and went right up to the first compartment with his hands securely in his pockets.

The compartment door swung open for him and he went in. Once the door shut behind him the blinds closed and shade over the windows plunging the compartment into darkness as if on command. A command the boy never said out loud.

The boy lowered his black hood revealing a glint of eyes and black gloves on his hands, but nothing else could be seen in the darkness. The sound of other students caught his attention and he placed his hand on the door. The boy whispered something and the door vanished. With every clunk of a suitcase the boy twitched as if it was too loud. Only two minutes passed before the boy shrugged and snapped his fingers making all the sounds fall to a little less than whispers. A smile graced the boy's lips and he laid across the bench where he promptly fell asleep.


"Alright first years, this way! Only four people per boat!" boomed the huge bearded man with a thick accent guiding all the new students from the train to the boats.

"Whoa! Who's that? Is he human?" asked a bushy haired girl.

Michael shook his head, "Nope. Hermione, that's the half giant gatekeeper, Hagrid."

"And who's perched on his shoulder?" The red haired Ron Weasley asked his famous friend.

"Huh?" The Potter blinked and saw the boy in blue jeans and a hoodie sitting perfectly balanced on the half giant's shoulder farthest from him. It didn't matter what the giant did the boy remained perfectly stable, which pissed off Michael because the guy was probably killer on a broom. With the black hood up he couldn't see the boy's entire face and his eyes stayed hidden even after gracefully jumping off the half giant's shoulder to help people into the boats. The boy had no suitcase, no uniform and helped everyone equally. He even helped the spoiled Malfoy and his friends board a boat. "I don't know."

The hooded boy finished helping a pair of twin girls before coming over to them, "My name is Harry, may I help you?" The hooded boy asked in a smooth, alluring voice as he approached their group. Michael sneered and clumsily jumped in the boat to prove he didn't need help, but he felt his anger rise as he saw Harry assist Hermione, Ron and a nervous Neville into the boat. The guy didn't even pay any attention to him! Harry seemed more concerned with the bloody luggage!

The bastard should at least look disappointed that he didn't get to touch the Boy Who Lived!

Before Michael's anger could mount to the point where he'd do something stupid the boy leapt gracefully off the boardwalk down onto the half giant who was in the lead boat and the boats were off with Harry perched on Hagrid's shoulder again.

"What a freak." hissed Michael.

Ron scoffed, "He is weird."

"I admit he's different, but he seems ... nice." said Hermione.

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