Flying Hot

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"No." Tom said and curiously looked at the letter. To his horror the letter, which was signed with his name and address, was addressed to a very well known creature and human toy shop. Going by the handwriting he knew who really wrote this, "NAGINI!"


Lily and James stormed into the Ministry dragging a very tired Sirius with them and glared at the nearest terrified person who was the Minister's secretary, "Take us to the Minister. Now!" James snapped scaring the poor man who just wanted to sign out and go home for the day.

Sirius yawned and finally yanked his arm out of James' grip, "I said, before you dragged me out of bed, that I can't be here-"

"This is about Michael and some horrible false charges pinned against him and you want to leave?! What sort of godfather are you? And what are you doing sleeping in the daytime like a lazy bum?" Lily asked looking at Sirius with mild disgust and disappointment.

Sirius just gestured for the poor secretary to leave, which he did gratefully, before glaring at James and Lily, "I was enjoying the first time I wasn't on call in a long time. Feels nice not relaying on Pepper-ups. As for the godfather point you should've grabbed Remus." Sirius twitched at the annoyed looks he got. Obviously they wanted the Auror arguing for their brat not the werewolf. "I wouldn't be very helpful. Now I really have to leave-"

"Minister!" Sirius internally groaned when he heard Lily call the Minister over the second he came into view.

Cornelius Fudge glanced up from the papers in his hands, "I see you arrived, Mrs. and Mr. Potter. I must say that was fast. We only arrested him a couple hours ago."

"That's Lord and Lady. For your sake Michael had better be released faster than this foolish arrest. We demand that he be released into our custody." Lily said, of course, expecting their demands to be met.

"Michael has several serious charges against him. There's no way he'll be released until the trial." Fudge said calmly.

Lily looked horrified, "We won't allow Michael to stay in such a place. Our lawyers will arrange-"

"You better discuss some things with the goblins. You see, I just received a notice from your family's lord saying no extra service or arrangements will be insisted on for you both and Michael." Cornelius said as he gestured for the four Aurors nearby to arrest the two Potters.

"Us? What are you talking about?! I'm the head of the Potter family! Don't touch me!" James snapped as he and his wife jerked away from the first Auror that grabbed them. "Sirius-"

"Is suspended due to unethical decisions on the job and was supposed to be at home. Actually," Cornelius looked Sirius over a little confused. "Wasn't your floo supposed to be shut off?"

Sirius nodded, "The guys in charge of that have to go through the Lord of my house and because of that very sudden change there was a delay. I should go back before Remus needs to come get me because I can't get back." Sirius chuckled sheepishly despite the fact that his friends were violently struggling while being dragged away.

Lily's eyes widened in horror as she came to a terrifying conclusion, "James, calm down. This is all a mistake and we'll get this fixed." James huffed and finally allowed the Aurors to drag them away. Once they were placed in holding cells next to each other and left alone she scowled, "He told."

"What?" James muttered and gasped as he spotted a sleeping Michael lying on a special cot wrapped in bandages just one cell over.

Lily looked furious at the state of her child as she hissed, "There's only one reason we'd be arrested and Sirius would be suspended along with our baby getting arrested. He told everyone about that foolishness with those bludgers." She whispered and wasn't too far off for someone who wasn't informed on the full list of charges. The ministry simply sent a letter saying Michael was arrested and they raced over. No details were given.

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