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Yule went by quickly and soon he was off on the program with Dr. Izeki who was all too amused by Harry's reactions to letters written by someone named Nagini. Despite still having the perverted snake after him Harry was happy he left especially since his Dad told him James was fired right before break ended and the man was beyond pissed. James' temper will only worsen when he realizes he can't hurt Harry again ...


Marvolo gave a cruel smirk as he looked over the rail and down into a cave, "Soon it will start again, but this time I will not make the same mistake." He gestured for Minerva, who just entered the deep cellar from the old mansion, to approach the rail. "Minerva, my dear, it is time for people to fear me as they always should have. Tell me, will this suffice in getting through to Hogwarts and hunting down the brat believed to have killed me?"

The headmistress stepped forward and stared down into the abyss, "Oh this should suffice, my lord." She said with a smirk matching that of her master.

"Good ... lead them to Hogwarts and have them attack in the Great Hall when everyone is together and the least prepared." Marvolo ordered as he looked in the pit where dozens of moving bodies writhed in the darkness. The creatures were inferi ...


James and Lily smiled as their son Michael was surrounded by his fans, but their smiles faltered as they spotted a group of four people coming towards the platform. Two of the people were Sirius and Remus, but there other two they didn't recognize. The tallest person wore a gray hoodie and had had the hood up hiding his eyes so that's why they didn't know him. The last person was some older gray haired fellow.

"It's hardly rude for him to have his hood up, Mr. Lupin. Harry has sensitive eyes." The old man said matter of factly. James and Lily immediately perked up at the name and scuttled away from Michael to try to latch themselves to Harry. There's no better place to make it appear like they loved their son than a very public place.

"Sensitive eyes? Does this have to do with that thing you promised to tell us about after your school year?" Remus asked.

Before Harry could answer a grating voice made him wince, "Harry honey! It's been too long!" Lily cooed loud enough to attract the attention of the nearby people as she tried to hug Harry only to be stopped by the old man. "Excuse me! How rude! Just who the hell are you to stand between me and my son?" Lily huffed in annoyance.

"Son you say ... I always wanted to meet the parents who never once contacted their son while he was away for years. I'm Dr. Izeki, the one who has been helping Harry through the program. I must say it's disturbing to meet you both. I didn't think there people who cared more for appearances more than their flesh and blood." Dr. Izeki said deliberately at the same volume as Lily so just as many people heard, which made the two Potters pale and try to shush the old man. Their efforts were in vain ...

Harry paid the Potters little mind, "The train should arrive shortly so I'm going to go ahead. Goodbye and thank you, Dr. Izeki, for everything."

"You are most welcome, Harry. Don't fear holding back anymore and I'll tell your father that you arrived. He'll be happy to see you again and that you've grown so tall." Izeki said cheerfully and hugged him and his godfathers goodbye.

James scowled as Harry slipped away before he could try to hug him, "What was that supposed to mean? I'm his father!"

"Not the one that matters." Dr. Izeki shot back.

Sirius snickered, "How truly sad."

"Oh shut up, Sirius!" Lily snapped under her breath trying not to cause any more of a scene.

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