In Whose Favor?

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Sirius grinned as he entered Hogwarts with his team of Aurors and saw James "hey mate-whoa!" He yelped as James pulled him aside. "Be right back guys!" He called out and James started whispering something making Sirius pale. "WHAT THE FUCK?!"


"So these are the bludgers that were cursed, right?" Sirius asked as the crate was set on the headmistress's desk. He acted professionally, but his head was spinning with what his friend just told him. Harry ... the boy they all thought was a squib and subsequently abandoned like trash was here at Hogwarts ... his godson was here ... they were wrong ... and so fucked ...

"Yes and you should check out the shelf in the potion pantry. It was rigged in an equally lethal way though much less destructive. Professor Snape can show you the way though, considering you were a student ... and actually James's friend if I recall correctly, you should know the way. However, it is Severus's classroom and I'm sure the Professor would like to oversee everything since it was his student in his house who was the target. I hope you don't mind." Minerva said not giving the Aurors any chance to argue. It just figures that this man is the one to come. If she didn't have this man watched then Michael will get away scot-free.

Sirius grinned though it looked slightly strained, "Of course ... I'll just collect the magic in the bludgers first." He said as he pulled a small glass orb out of his robe pocket and cast a spell that will drag strands of the magic into the orb. (Fuck ... how am I going to do this? Should I even do this? ... What am I thinking? Of course I should! ... right? Michael is family ... but then so is Harry ... DAMMIT! What do I do?) He mentally screamed as he put the orb away and followed the professor out of the office. As they walked through the halls the silence was getting to the Auror captain so he tried talking to the young professor. "Sooo ... you must be new, right Professor Snape?"

"Relatively, yes. I started teaching officially right after I graduated three years ago, but helped as a teaching assistant for two years before that." Severus said indifferently as they walked through the halls. He wondered if the right subject would get this fool to slip a little and reveal more about Harry so he kept talking. "Mr. Potter seemed surprised that Harry was sorted into Slytherin, were you? Harry seems to be a perfect fit so I was surprised anyone would think he belonged elsewhere." The house head mentally sneered as a faint cringe passed over the Auror's lips. Apparently, James only has anti-Slytherin friends.

"Slytherin? It is a surprise." Sirius said cursing James for not at least warning him so he didn't come off as a godfather who knows nothing about his godson.

The potion master scoffed as he opened the door to the potion room, "Slytherins are calm, level headed, cunning individuals that think ahead before jumping into anything and while we can come off as cold and untrusting it's usually because of an abusive past. Harry is kinder than most others, but he still has all those qualities." He mentally smirked as the man stiffened at the mention of abuse.

"Yes ... I suppose you're correct ... not about the abuse though!" Sirius quickly added, but it would've been less suspicious if he just stayed quiet.

"Of course ... the pantry is over there. I helped a friend deal with Aurors before so I know to stay back three feet." Severus said calmly as he watched the Auror like a hawk. The headmistress was clearly warning him before so he used his past experience to his advantage. When Albus had to talk to the Aurors after a couple rouge Death Eaters tried to attack Diagon Alley only two years ago. The madman thought his lord was alive and tried to continue the plan on his own. Since the four of them along with Albus' little brother Aberforth and Hagrid witnessed it they were questioned and saw the magic collected for the identification spell. Only Hagrid had to attend the trial for he killed one to protect the surrounding people ...

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