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"Michael stop! This is illegal!" Albus yelled, but suddenly his fear vanished. No, Michael didn't stop, but something with large black wings came through the window and quietly walked up behind Michael ...


Michael smirked as he saw Albus relax, "There that's better. Now just moan for-" The wizard froze as he heard something drip to the floor behind him. As he turned, he heard a sharp hiss and smelled something burning followed by more drips that seemed to increase the burning aroma. Finally, his eyes met the violent glowing red eyes of his younger twin brother, which did at first scare him, until he saw the wings. "Fucking freak. Put that stuff away and get out! I'm busy!" Michael barked, mildly amused by what he assumed was a costume.

"Are you alright, Albus?" Harry asked as he stepped towards the professor, despite Michael's presence. It was taking all he had not to just splash Michael with the acid dripping from his claws. A deadly burning detail that Michael just seemed to disregard, since he assume the creature features were just from that one Halloween get up.

Albus felt tears well up in his eyes as he smiled, "I ... I don't like this." Albus whimpered as Michael bristled with each movement that Harry did to come closer to the sexy professor.

Harry's eyes flashed protectively, "After what he tried to do ... I might kill him if I lose control."

Michael snarled as Harry pushed forward and actually brushed his shoulder trying to take the spot over Albus "Like you can even scratch me! Now fuck off! This bitch is mine!" He yelled and kicked Harry in the ribs. The fool smirked as Harry froze, thinking he hurt his sibling, but he just made things so much worse for him as the increase in acid dripping to the floor near Albus indicated.

The smell of the burning floor didn't bother Albus for he noticed that Harry was carefully moving his claws around, but never over, his body to ensure he wouldn't get burned, "Just try to not get in trouble." Albus said, knowing he might've just given Harry permission to greatly harm the fool. Creatures, after all, have some laws, though nowhere near enough, as long as protecting human mates is what results in death or harm of another human.

The famed boy scowled and cast a spell. Albus paled as he easily identified the green spell as the killing curse that hit Harry's side. Michael smirked assuming he killed his brother, even though Harry didn't fall over and sent Albus a glare.

"Bitch-" Michael's scolding of the man he attempted to rape was quickly silenced when Harry's wing roughly slammed against his head, sending him careening through the door and into the wall on the other side of the hall. The pain from a hunk of wood that came from the door to Albus' living quarters being impaled through the elbow of his arm was the sole reason he remained conscious. That, however, might not last long fore the hand that grabbed his throat was applying more pressure with each second allowing something to drip onto his skin creating a searing burn.

Albus watched as Harry lifted Michael by the neck and simply held him there, allowing more acid to slowly torture the human twin. Admittedly, it made him a little sick when the smell of burnt skin hit his nose, but he didn't have much sympathy for the Gryffindor squirming in pain, "Harry, get me out of here." He gasped nervously as he heard someone coming down the hall. The last thing he wanted was for a student, save for Harry, to see him in nothing but his lacy attire.

Harry's instincts immediately picked up the pleading tone in Albus's voice and he instantly changed his attention from the barely conscious wizard in his clawed hands to the trapped professor, "It's only Aberforth." He said calmly as he casually dropped Michael's body, getting an agonized squawk from Michael as he hit the floor.

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