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Before anyone could be killed Harry, without his hoody and with his even larger black wings out, came out of nowhere and slashed the creature with a powerful clawed strike. The professor looked at the sizzling inferi and up at Harry, but he didn't have a chance to even ask for an answer for a dozen more inferi appeared ...


"Sorry Professor." Harry said before scooping up Tom and with a strong yet effortless flap of his wings he went up into the air by several feet and landed near the twins. "Do you have your wands?" Harry asked as the horde of inferi changed direction and headed for them again

"No." The twins exclaimed in perfect sync. They were not expecting this tonight!

"Get in the tunnels now!" Harry yelled as he turned just in time to splash an acidic liquid coming his claws onto the faces of the first row of inferi. The minor chaos caused a temporary pile up hat ought Fred and George time to run though they didn't want to, but without any weapon the two red heads would be only hold back Harry who could clear handle a few inferi. "You go too professor."

"You're my student, Harry, I can't leave." Tom said firmly. Yes the stars weren't bright enough to light up the area, which was just a bit too far away for the castle's lanterns to be of any help. Yes he was only professor against a dozen inferi, which he never fought before. Yes Harry seemed very capable, but even with all those strikes against him he couldn't let his student fight alone. However, Harry thrust his hand passed Tom's head. The professor actually thought Harry tried to hurt him for a split second until he heard a sizzle. Tom turned and saw an inferi impaled on Harry's clawed hand. It was clear that Tom would've died right then and there if not for Harry. He wasn't a fool and realized he was out matched. With only a worried glance at Harry who's wing was suddenly bitten by the walking corpses earning an enraged and inhuman growl, he followed the Weasleys into these strange tunnels in the walls he never knew about.

Tom watched the wall shut keeping him and the twins safe in the perfectly lit tunnels, but locking Harry outside with those monsters, "Did you two know about Harry?" The red heads just started laughing. "What is so funny?" Tom asked shocked that they found anything funny about this situation.

"Harry won the costume contest without a costume!" The twins exclaimed though their laughter. Even Tom had to admit it was amusing, but it made things a little more puzzling. Why would Harry feel the need to hide that he was a creature? "We only suspected something like this, but we didn't know for sure." They both said in perfect sync.

"You suspected?" Tom asked a little puzzled as to how they suspected when he never even considered the possibility.

"When James Potter was teaching and pretending he knew so much about Harry he mentioned that Harry and Michael used to look alike. They look nothing alike now. Sure height and hair color can change and it'd be normal, but eye color? No. we didn't think about it until the DADA class after that year, but it was clear Harry had something like an inheritance." Fred said casually.

"He never told us, but we don't care. However, we don't know what he is. Do you, professor?" George asked curiously. It was clear they cared a great deal for Harry.

Tom twitched, "I don't know ... at first sight he could be mistaken as a demon, but never in my life have I heard of a creature that has acid seeping from his claws." Tom said as he turned his gaze back to the wall that stood between him and Harry. He knew he had to distract himself or he'd run out there to help and end up hurting himself or Harry so he went into professor mode and shifted to the next logical line of questioning. "What are these tunnels and where are your pranking supplies?" He demanded in his no nonsense voice that kept everyone except Nagini in line.

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