Sassy Snake

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Minerva smirked, "His godfather, Sirius Black." She said and bowed as a group of Death Eaters followed her as they went to complete to unspoken order ... capture Sirius Black ...


Nagini slithered through the pipes and into the chamber she didn't realize was the Chamber of Secrets and once the home of a massive basilisk. She soon came to a soft warm nest made of various pieces of clothes she stole from the brats she didn't like hidden in the far back. There were a few things from Michael in the pile. In fact, a good number of things were from the brat especially the clothes with heating charms, which weren't as good as her heating rock, but still makes for a comfy nest.

Not just a nest though! She had a few other things kids leave behind from a collection of coins to ink to quills and parchment. All of which she stored in an interesting crate that was there in the Chamber. She just thought the once empty crate drifted in from the lake or something since it was near the water that flowed in from the lake, but she wasn't sure.

If her visits had been more frequent and she started building her nest here before Harry left for his studying trip then she would know the truth ...

'How long should I stay out of the way? Three days? ... maybe four. Master will definitely need time to get over his-... actually I don't get why he'd be mad. Yes, Master's mate understood what I have been saying, but that's good! I'm teaching Master's mate how to care for him properly! ... sadly, that weird shy thing humans cling to means I'll be in trouble ... Oh! I'll get a gift to smooth things over!'

Nagini slithered over to a platform made of some boxes. Every kid gets candy, but leaves the box in the trash when it's done. The serpent simply found a use for the high quality boxes that came with strengthening and special sticking charms. Those in particular can be stacked into various shapes and not fall thanks to the charms. What was a nice trait to create interesting displays is now being used to make the snake's desk.

'Let's see ... which skins are already in my Master's closet?' The serpent pondered as she flipped through some older magazines she took from Tom after he finished and flipped through using the tip of her tail.

After an unknown amount of time she found a selection of things and began jotting down her order. With the practice she got from writing to Harry over the summer her skill with her tail has improved greatly. Whether she only used her tail or a quill it was hard to imagine it was a snake writing just by the writing.

'There! Master does love his soft skins." Nagini hissed as she slithered to get an envelope from the supplies she keeps safely in the large crate tipped on its side to protect everything from the dripping that happens on that edge of the Chamber. With her message tucked away in an envelope with a few galleons she scribbled down the address, 'Master should be nearly done with that curfew patrol thing I think ... I'll deliver it now!"

Hoping to miss Tom completely she took her letter into her mouth and slithered back into the main part of the castle. On her way to the owlry she spotted something in from the high tower thanks to the darkness of the night providing great contrast for her heat vision. Lots of cold heat signatures just inside the edge of the forest. Those silhouettes only her snake eyes could see from this distance unnerved her and she wedged the letter between two stones before going to investigate.

When she reached the grass near the spot she saw Tom's silhouette. She could tell by her master's tone that he was angry and stayed out of view as he approached Harry's much hotter silhouette. It always struck her as odd that Harry ran rather hot, but it didn't matter. Right now she wanted Harry to make Tom get hotter.

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