Happy Samhain

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Darkness descended over the memory and there was a vague popping sound as if someone apparated ...


Jaws all over the room dropped to the floor as the mass pensieve faded away and the memory fell back into the vial the shocked goblin was somehow still holding. No one had any idea how to take this. Sure, the sudden darkness meant the dark lord blacked out and the sound of an apparate might have still been him reacting out of panic, but everything else was hard to comprehend. It was only when everyone heard James, Lily and Michael struggling against their bindings that reality set in.

The goblins did their best to keep everything calm, but once the trials ended they made sure to get Harry Albus and Hagrid out the door behind the judging bench. There were too many people clamoring for answers for it to be safe. Lucius promised to arrange something with the reporters so they wouldn't try to get answers by bothering Harry during school.

Albus sighed in relief when he stepped into his living quarters with Harry and Hagrid, "30 years of hard labor for James and Lily,, but only 10 for Michael. It's a big amount, but it doesn't feel fitting even if they reasoned that his behavior might be moreJames and Lily's fault- " he gasped as Harry nuzzled his neck. "You're lucky your kiss didn't have its usual effect.. that would've been embarrassing in front of all those people." Albus said with a blush.

The creature hummed thoughtfully, "It's probably because you're pregnant."

Hagrid beamed happily, "A baby! This is wonderful news- ... oh Merlin, you shouldn't be doing so much work if you're pregnant. For now it might be ok, but it might not be safe later on."

"I didn't think of that." Albus said now borderline panicking because his mind was flooding with all the things that will need doing. "I need to find someone to take Minerva's place and-"

Harry held Albus close and gently kissed his lips effectively making Albus relax into his arms, "We'll figure it out. Just relax."

Hagrid hummed, "I have a thought. I'm sure the ministry will be more receptive to creatures now and we do know someone who has been in Hogwarts from the beginning ."

"That's brilliant! Should I translate for her?" Harry pondered while just gracing his mate with a comforting smile. "A dear friend." He explained.

"You have classes so it wouldn't be the best option, but Max, despite being grumpy at times, could help." Hagrid commented. "I'll go catch Dr. Izeki and we will have everything set for dinner.

"Oh, dad! Remus might be able to help too!" Harry exclaimed right before Hagrid flooed away. "You should rest. I'll go talk to the others and-" Albus cut him off with a kiss.

What was a burning explosion of pleasure was now a warmth that seeped deep into his body making him feel far better than he has felt in the last few days. "I'm going to need more of you before we face a slew of excited students."


'You have some nerve showing up right now.' Tom huffed as Nagini could her body around the tall back of his chair. He was still annoyed with his dear familiar since she revealed that Harry knew parseltongue. Despite using her letter to order toys he was mad at her for that too.

Nagini looked quite smug as Harry was swarmed by the very excited students whe he and Albus came into the Great Hall, 'I truly am brilliant and you will soon see too, master. I helped you find a mate who is also the one who stopped the dark lord twice and I assisted the minister-oh! It seems it's time for my reward.' She hissed over her confused master's head as Cornelius came into the room with a few Aurors and some people. The most recognizable of which was Hagrid, Sirius and Dr. Izeki.

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