Safe Scholar

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A house elf appeared in front of him, but just when Harry thought he was in trouble the elf bowed and said, "Kreacher is most pleased to see that his true master has come home."


Harry raised an eyebrow, "True master? What do you mean?"

"When master was born the wards and Kreacher's bond shifted over to you. Of course, Kreacher did not know who until master walked in Grimmauld. Kreacher is glad it was you and not the fat one." Kreacher scowled clearly not pleased with Michael.

"That doesn't really make much sense. Those heirs and lords issues usually focus on the oldest sibling. I'm the younger twin. Perhaps there's a clause for certain circumstances." Harry pondered out loud. It made sense. He may have been younger, but he was a rebirth. There have been cases where the sibling with a creature inheritance took control of a family. Having an inheritance or rebirth is highly prized in wizarding society so why not give that family member more power and, of course, harem options.

"What type of circumstances would concern master?" Kreacher asked curiously even though he didn't expect anything beyond 'none of your business' as an answer.

"I'm a creature." Harry admitted to the smaller creature. It seemed silly to hide that if the house elf was bond to him.

Krreacher sniffed the air, "Kreacher does not smell a non human scent." The elf jumped as Harry extended his fangs and claws, which were uncovered because he didn't wear gloves. There was no point when he was leaving school and not expected to touch anything. If anything it would look weird if he wore his gloves even then so he just retracted his claws until now. "Kreacher is surprised you don't smell, but pleased you don't stink of wolf. Perhaps there are answers in the library."

"Lead the way." Harry followed the elf to a room in the back of the house, which was opened to reveal several tall wooden bookcases filled with old books. At first glance it looked no different than any other old library until you some of the dark foreboding titles, which detailed a range of subjects from Necromancy to Blood Magic. "I take it no one comes in here." Harry coughed as a cloud of dust fell as he moved the decorative drapes covering a potentially special shelf on the far wall. It instead revealed the Black family tree.

"Idiot Auror claims he is allergic to books and the wolf fears these subjects. Pathetic dark creature." Kreacher grumbled as he as he looked through the books. He smirked and snapped his fingers making a locked black book float down to a comfortable chair. "This. Master, is the copy of the family's core policies. The copy was placed in this cursed book. If any non Black member touches it they die. Nobody has read it in Kreacher's lifetime least of all the idiot Auror. It requires a speaker of parseltongue to read it and that trait is dying out. Most people go to the goblins to have questions answered."

Harry's lip twitched in amusement at the house elf's nickname for Sirius Black. "Well let's see if this answers our questions. Oh, is there anything here on the Potter family since we're connected? That might be helpful in sorting this out." Harry said as he picked up the book and sat down in the comfy chair.

"Yes. The broom head sold his copy of his family's core policies because he hated all things dark and, in his stupidity, thinks parseltongue and any written equivalent is dark. Kreacher will get it." Kreacher popped off to find the other book

The keyhole was a simple circle so it required a drop of blood according to the elf. With a prick of his thumb via his claw a drop of blood went into the lock. The book flipped open revealing a bunch of strange lines that faded into English. "So far it seems pretty basic." Harry said absentmindedly as he flipped through the book. "No ... I need the section detailing information with rebirths." Harry mumbled as Kreacher popped back with a less creepy looking deep brown book.

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