Nagini vs Noles

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Noles went down the hall that had no chatty paintings and pulled out a standard issue ministry invisibility cloak. After a quick Pepper-up potion he got under the cloak and prepared to continue his guarding duty. However, he tensed and pulled out his wand. Something moved in the dark at the end of the hall ...


It took a while with a very full stomach, but Nagini made her way downstairs and outside where she regurgitated her meal, 'This will free me-it's moving?' Nagini snapped. She was very annoyed to see an air bubble come out of the mangled Minerva's mouth. It seems the witch may have managed to stay among the living. However, it didn't last long.

'I'll put an end to it.' Sara opened her fanged jaws and easily grabbed the mangled human drenched in another snake's digestive juices. With an elegant toss the witch went up into the air and went straight back down into the basilisk's throat. 'Not very filling, but it'll do. Come, little slither. I have a friend that speaks the human tongue so he can help you get to Hogwarts.'

'I don't see how ... unless ... does the half giant have a fire tunnel?' Nagini asked, mistakenly calling the floo network a fire tunnel.

"He does, but, of course, it only works for human speech.' The basilisk hissed in annoyance.

'Everything is snakecist.' Nagini grumbled sulkily as she followed the basilisk into the nearby trees.

'In my time people had more respect for our kind. There was even a set of tunnels in Hogwarts made especially for me and the students loved it too because I gave them rides. Sad how things have changed.The plans for runes that respond to our parsel speak were shed long ago.' Sara hissed still deeply annoyed with the treatment of her and her fellow magical serpents.

Nagini's eyes widened, 'So there is a possibility ...' The crafty snake started mulling over the thoughts. Who would be best to blackmail to get those plans to see the light? 'My master and his friends might help ... do your eyes not work? I should be dead, right?'

'Oh, I never fully open my eyes, little slither. Here we are!' Sara said, leaving Nagini without an actual answer to her question.

A slightly annoyed Nagini rolled her eyes and looked around the area that had several fairies fluttering around. It was odd to think Sara went to these creatures for help. Sure, fairies had a little connection with snakes and the language they use, but they couldn't speak any human language. Actually, considering how these fairies scattered upon seeing them they probably weren't going to even speak to them.

'Not a friendly bunch of human bugs.' Nagini hissed as the fairies all but vanished.

Sara seemed to snort, 'Nope. I don't know why my friend feeds them.' She muttered while pointing at a bird feeder filled with nuggets with her snout. 'Here he is!'

Nagini tilted her head wondering what the much larger serpent saw, but then it came out of the trees. 'A brave human bug.' She commented curiously when one of the fairies returned. However, she noticed it looked different than a regular fairy. It sported an extra pair of legs and arms and was much darker in color with more beetle like wings.

"Finally, you came! Those stupid twits nearly took all the good stuff." The strange tiny creature grumbled as it filled all four of its arms with the nuggets in the feeder and began munching.

'Yes, well I have a favor to ask of you and if you do it I'll be more prompt tomorrow when the charms refill the feeder again.' Sara hissed almost trying to threaten the creature. 'I have little time to argue with you, doxy.'

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