Creature Crush

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Michael snorted secretly pissed that yet again Harry was getting more attention, "Yeah he's fine." He grumbled. Everyone mistook his behavior for a caring brother who was mad that his brother was hurt, but he wasn't ...


Albus smiled as he made his way over to James Potter minutes before the match between Slytherin and Hufflepuff, "It's a good day for a Quidditch game. The clouds earlier worried me, but the sun cut right through them."

The flying instructor flinched subtly, but Albus caught it, "You're right ... so lucky." James chuckled nervously.

"I wanted to take a minute to talk to you about that hexing incident on Harry. His neck was badly cut up and bleeding when the dried ingredients and other things fell on his skin. Of course, medical issues aside he still would've been hurt badly if that shelf fell on him with all those glass vials and ingredients that could get into a wound. Whoever did this clearly meant to harm Harry so do you know of anyone who'd hurt Harry? Has he spoken to you about this?" Albus asked observing James carefully and something struck him as odd ... James didn't seem concerned when he said ingredients fell on Harry ... did James not know about the skin condition?

"No, I can't think of anyone right now, but Harry is fine. It was just a few scrapes." James heard the teams coming towards the starting posts and all too eagerly left to get the crate with the Quidditch balls. "That's my cue!"

The young transfiguration professor's eyes narrowed as the man escaped. He made his way to the bleachers and sat with Tom, Severus and Gellert, "He doesn't seem to know about Harry's medical condition."

"What?" Tom asked looking a little disturbed as the Potter in question ran out into the middle of the field to release the Quidditch balls and start the game.

"I told him the dry ingredients hit Harry's skin, but he described it as scrapes. I really don't think he's aware of anything going on with Harry." Albus exclaimed as he clapped for the teams competing against each other.

Severus shot a glance at the idiot flying instructor who took a seat in the bleachers next to Michael and then looked at his young snake seated with the other snakes. "I'm not too surprised that the fool was no help, but that alone is a hint on the kind of life Harry had. I mean, if the Potters sent Harry away to someone so he you recover from an illness you would expect them to panic at the first sign of an issue."

"Very true." Tom agreed as he shot his familiar an annoyed glance when she slithered away, which was ignored. "If they cared enough to do that then why be so indifferent when Harry's condition flares up or simply not even bother learning about what's going on with him? ... if we want answers we may need to talk to Harry's mysterious guardian-Hagrid! Don't encourage her!"

A few seats down the half giant had lifted the snake and let Nagini use him to cross the steps safely ... and therefore to get to Harry. "Sorry! She was looking at me and I couldn't say no." Hagrid said sheepishly.

The groundskeeper was considered a big softy to everyone including Slytherins. He can't resist helping people or creatures alike. Tom was even caught by him after curfew during his school years, but the friendly half giant just took him back to the Slytherin dorm and warned Tom not to go out at those hours since there are dangers. Severus was also caught after curfew because he got carried away brewing. Hagrid just gave his usual goofy happy smile and said 'it's good to see young people so willing to learn' before escorting Severus back. No punishments were given ... nobody even seemed to know it happened at all.

All four professors trust Hagrid and knew he cared for all the students. Sometimes the two Slytherin professors seemed distant or like they don't care when the gentle half cries, but they do. If James knew the Slytherins cared about Hagrid, who was already hated by the Potter, then he would try to hurt the groundskeeper even more. That would be unacceptable!

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