Skin Deep

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The young creature drank the usual amount of blood, but noticed his thirst wasn't quenched like usual, "Dad ... I-I think ..." Hagrid gave an understanding smile and filled the mug again with his blood reserves in the back of the hut ...


"Don't think about it too much, Michael. I'm sure Harry didn't deliberately get you into trouble. He was told to document everything with that camera thing, right?" James said trying to cheer Michael up. The young wizard has been in a funk since the field trip a few days ago, which is why he brought his son to his living quarters for a good talk to clear the air.

"Yeah, but he didn't have to! He could've turned it to some other thing in that museum and ignored me! Now I can't go any trips until after Christmas break ... and he left it in the video for class too" Michael said seething in anger and humiliation. The entire week was spent looking at that tape of the trip to discuss all the items on it and each day Michael had to see his ass getting dragged away by the greasy git professor.

James tried to chuckle, but it came out slightly nervous instead of upbeat, "You can't blame Harry really since Snape would've just given up a memory instead so you still would've been punished ... and you did punch Harry. A lot of people saw that, you know. I did try to suggest removing the part from the video when they said Harry can edit it, but Snape said it was the perfect example of what muggle things can do. I think this was said in class already, but Snape used a 'not notice me' spell as he dragged you away. The muggles didn't see it, but the camera caught it easily and that's the reason they kept it. You know, you actually helped in class!" James said and was happy to see Michael perk up a bit.

"I guess ... but I'm still doing detention everyday with Filch." Michael grumbled.

"True, but it won't be that bad and the headmistress said if you behave then you'll be let off once Christmas break starts and will be allowed to go on trips." James was feeling very supportive of his son and confident with his parenting skills. Maybe if he stopped talking right there and maybe a good lesson would've been learned, but he didn't. "Of course, if you feel the need to play a prank just don't get caught." James said with a wink. It was just supposed to be a joke, but that's not how it was taken. "Goodnight Michael. Go get some sleep."

"Right Dad." Michael called out as his Dad went to get ready for bed. As he was leaving he spotted his Dad's keys to the Quidditch locker rooms in the open desk drawer. (I can't let him get away with what he has done to me. My dear brother will learn his place soon enough.) He thought with a smirk as he grabbed the keys and quietly shut the drawer so his Dad wouldn't see them missing.

With a swagger in his step he slipped back into his dorm room that he shared with five other boys including Ron, Fred and George. They all had some fun with various candies and get ready for bed, but Michael only pretended to sleep as he waited for everyone else to drift to sleep. It was no surprise to see the twins slip out of the dorm since they frequently play pranks. The older students actually pay them for hilarious pranks to lift peoples' spirits or to get revenge on a bully. That's what inspired them to work in their own joke shop, which would be awesome in Michael's opinion. He would've paid the twins to do this, but they were clearly quite taken with Harry for some unknown reason ... it's not like Harry was better than him. It was fine though since he grew up with the famous pranksters called the Marauders. His father and godfathers taught him everything that he needs. Now it was time for his own prank ...

Just like James' father did for him Michael was given the invisibility cloak when his Hogwarts letter came. It's possible that the intent was to protect the heirs of the Potter family during emergencies, but it wasn't used for that ... not by James and not by Michael.

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