Map Quest

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The young boy reached under his father's bed to pull out a box with a neatly folded uniform with a wand like stick on top and a school bag holding his textbooks and quills. He hugged Hagrid and went back to his dorm without anyone being the wiser ...


"Professor Snape is here. Get up, Draco." came a voice from a room down the hall.

"Alright ... I'm up Theo." grumbled a sleepy Malfoy. "Go wake Blaise, but be quiet as you go to his room, we don't want to wake the Potter brat. Let him miss getting his schedule and breakfast," came Draco's smug voice. No one knew that Harry was stirred awake by their quiet whispers even if they were a few doors down the hall.

"I like this dorm ... the light through Black Lake is tolerable." Harry grumbled as he opened the curtains around the bed and got out of bed to meet the gentle green glow coming through his submerged window. A sharp pain radiating from his fingertips made him hiss in pain, but he had to ignore it. The black gloves were the first pieces of clothing to go on, but he paused as he slipped the right glove on. Wrapping around his right wrist was a very fine scar.

Harry went from looking at the scar on his wrist to craning his neck and glancing over his shoulder to look at his bare back. Five matching scars crisscrossed across his back and the lowest one running horizontally along his lower back lined up with his scar on his wrist. It was a terrible reminder of who his true family really is and is what his Dad claims is his own foolish mistake.

That's not the case ... no, not by a long shot ... the fault for these scars lies solely on James and Lily Potter ...

It was just over a month after the six year old Harry was abandoned at Hogwarts and indirectly in the half giant's loving care. Hagrid was fed up with calling the Potters and decided to drop Harry off at his and Michael's 6th birthday party. Not that he didn't adore Harry, he did! More than anything he wanted to keep little Harry, but he knew he couldn't do that so he flooed over to the Potter's the morning of the party with an excited Harry.

Thinking he was going to finally prove to his parents that he wasn't useless Harry foolishly went to find his parents. Hagrid realized that he forgot some of the things he bought for Harry and quickly flooed home thinking Harry would be fine in his home ... he was wrong ...

The young creature found his parents in the kitchen decorating a cake. Harry was about to start explaining that he was a creature who needed blood, that nothing was wrong with him and that he could do magic now. In hindsight he should've started running the second the two Potter adults glared at him, but he was too excited at the prospect of earning his parents' love that he didn't listen to his own instincts. When he ran over to tell them his story he tripped on a banner that was a decoration.

Lily snapped first ... she screamed at the little boy and said horrid things. Despite bursting into tears Harry still tried to explain, but then James started yelling. This is where Harry's memories get fuzzy ... he remembers fear ... James threatening him and saying to never come back ... trying to run ... pain in his back and finally waking up in Hagrid's hut. Apparently, when Hagrid returned he found no one and searched for Harry to say goodbye, but to the half giant's horror he found Harry sprawled out on the floor of the kitchen bleeding from multiple gashes on his back and a completely severed hand ...

James Potter shot Harry in the back with the cutting curse and both parents left the 6 year old bleeding on the floor as they went outside to decorate ... Hagrid was furious at the Potters and took Harry to a doctor he knew that helped creatures.

That was the last time he saw the Potters ...

That was the last time he spent his birthday with that family ...

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