Free Fluffy!

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Harry rubbed the towel against his neck and paused with a tense posture, "In the third corridor I smelled Fluffy and ... that scent. That powerful dangerous scent." Harry looked his father figure in the eyes. "I know what it is ... Dad ... the Dark Lord is alive."


"Hufflepuff looks promising this year ... but Slytherin would blow everyone out of the sky if Harry ever got on the team." Neville commented as he pondered the Quidditch rumors flying around the school as he and his friends sat outside in the sun. It feels like the first two weeks of school just flew by they went by so fast.

Ron nodded, but sighed, "That's no joke. Harry is killer on a broom, but he's not really into Quidditch."

"What are you talking about?" Michael blinked in shock. It was unbelievable that someone didn't like Quidditch let alone someone related to him by blood. The famous boy noticed the looks his friends gave him. "What? He loves flying so I just assumed that he'd at least tryout especially with Dad as the coach. It would give us more time together since we didn't have all that much growing up." He said trying to play his friends' heartstrings using the 'Harry was very ill and they couldn't spend time together' story he sold them before and it worked. They all dropped the topic. "So ... who told you Harry might not tryout?"

"Fred and George ... they seem to be stalking your brother. I think they're crushing on him." Ron snickered as Hermione giggled and Neville chuckled. No one saw the slight cringe cross Michael's face because he found the thought of anyone liking a Slytherin disgusting, brother or not. "It's cute really and finally I can tease them instead of the other way around!" Ron exclaimed with an evil grin.

"Be nice, Ron." Hermione shook her head in amusement and went back to her studying.

"Fine." The redhead sulked.

Michael snickered at his friend's antics, "Anyway, I think I'll try out for Quidditch. Dad has been busy so it would be cool to spend time with him that way."

Hagrid was correct. James completely forgot about the preparations for the start of the Quidditch season. By the time he got things going he was very far behind and too busy to bug Harry. Granted Michael lost a little father son time, but not that much. In reality Michael only wanted to drag more attention to himself and, as a bonus, leave his twin in the past. He didn't understand why his twin was getting any attention when he couldn't even defeat a Dark Wizard. Hell, the entire school was trying to get to know Harry, but where Michael would milk the attention for all it's worth Harry would politely change the subject or modestly decline any praise.

And as a juicy side note Michael is developing a crush on the young Transfiguration professor, Albus, during the course of his detentions and the fact that Harry was getting more attention from Albus for some new field trip thing for Muggles Studies didn't help his mood towards his brother. Surely Quidditch will gain the auburn haired professor's affection ...

Hermione sighed as she listened to Ron and Michael continue talking about Quidditch, "Have you both forgotten something?"

Neville looked a little surprised at the blank looks on Ron and Michael before answering Hermione's question, "First years can't play on the team."

"Bloody hell! I completely forgot that!" Ron exclaimed feeling stupid for not remembering that fact. Each of his older brothers complained about that very issue during their first year. "Oh well ... at least we get those new field trips. That sounds awesome! The first one is tomorrow, right? My Dad is really excited to hear every detail! He went to Gringotts and exchange a few sickles for muggle notes and asked me to buy some simple muggle things. I'm going to ask Harry what he thinks!" Ron grinned.

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