Something Foul This Way Comes

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All the tiny pieces piled into Harry's palm and he blew them out of the open window ... each piece turned into a butterfly as it left Harry's palm making a beautiful swarm of shimmering butterflies flying across the moonlit sky ...


James woke up early this morning and sat in his boxers on the side of his bed with his face in his hands. After several seconds he stood up with a sigh, "What the hell do I do? Harry wasn't supposed to have any magic and yet ... he's here."

Squibs were people born without magic despite coming from a magical family. Having a squib was a blemish on a magical family's honor so when even at nearly six years old Harry had yet to show any sign of magic labeling him as a squib it just made sense to get rid of him. Lily wholeheartedly agreed and it made sense because she had a terrible relationship with her muggle sister due to jealousy over magic. They were considering ways to get rid of Harry when they just happen to lose him somewhere in Hogwarts on one visit and near the dangerous forest no less. It was perfect! Harry was gone!

Then it all came crumbling down when that stupid half giant found the brat and tried to give him back! Lily just said to answer and say the kid was confused, which might have worked because no one remembers Harry thanks to all that attention Michael gets for being the 'Boy Who Lived'. Unfortunately, they realized Hagrid may report it so James only kept making empty promises hoping the half giant would give up after a while. Eventually James stopped responding to the groundskeeper and planned to convince the fool that there was a big mistake and that their son was returned so Hagrid would think he had the wrong kid.

Really they could've killed the weak twin and no one would've noticed or cared, but they weren't monsters. Of course, even if someone did notice that the boy was missing they planned to say Harry got sicker and died. He doesn't now, but back then he did look rather pale compared to his brother and always seemed hungry for some reason even when he was given plenty of food. No one would blame them for wanting to keep such a loss private ...

"We aren't monsters." James mumbled as he looked in the mirror. That was easy to say, but he couldn't believe it. All he could think about was that sixth birthday ...

Neither he nor Lily expected Harry to floo back home! They were both pissed and ... they lashed out. He didn't think much about it when he raised his wand and cast the cutting curse. He just wanted the brat to get the hint and leave. James never realized the full extent of the injuries since little Harry was partially obscured by a chair that fell on him when the cutting curse went through the tiny wrist. When James returned during the party and found some blood on the kitchen floor, but no Harry so he just figured the brat flooed away.

"What am I going to tell Lily?" He wondered as he finished his morning routine and left to the Great Hall. Even though he discovered Harry was magical at the Hogwarts Welcoming Feast over a day ago he hasn't found the courage to tell his wife yet. What was he supposed to say?

'oh honey guess what ... that boy we abandoned because he was a squib is a student at Hogwarts. That's right he wasn't a squib and we potentially destroyed our reputation by abandoning a magical child'. Suffice to say it would not go well. Thinking he can fix this to some extent before she gets involved and that it will help everything along is the flimsy belief he's sticking with.

After shooting the Slytherin professors a condescending scowl he sat down in his seat. With a quick wave to Michael he focused in on the dark red haired son and scowled ss he noticed the slimy Slytherins were sitting close to Harry again. Those bastards were only trying to mess with his son! Someone must've threatened Harry into declining the resorting just so they could torment him. After all, Harry wouldn't decline a chance to be with his brother unless he was scared. It soon won't matter though. The first flying class is soon and he will finally get to talk to Harry. Soon this will be fixed and those slimy snakes will pay! ...

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