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An hour passed and just as the tired snake started to drift off the distinctive pop of an apparition woke her, 'and I thought Gellert was going overboard when he tried turning three training dummies into big pleasing toys.' Nagini muttered when she peeked out and saw Minerva standing with six cloaked people ...


"I apologize for the late hour, Sirius, but this was rather urgent." Minerva said sounding rather apologetic.

Sirius shook his head and smiled despite clearly being very tired, "I'll be fine. What's this about?"

Minerva frowned, "This is about Michael. Earlier this night he attacked Albus Dumbledore and attempted to rape him ... he used these."

Sirius' eyes widened when he saw the ministry level cuffs set on the desk, "Those are mine!" He moved forward to get them.

The slightly open door to Minerva's living quarters was thrown open and six Death Eaters charged the Auror. The first Death Eater spelled the cuffs onto Sirius' wrists and the others tackled him to the floor. Minerva walked around her desk and opened a hidden cabinet that was hidden behind a painting. She pulled out a vial filled with a potion.

"Excuse me." She said coldly as she walked over to the Auror struggling under the Death Eaters and yanked a hair from his head. Once she dropped the hairs in the potion she made one of the Death Eaters drink it.

"What are you doing?!" Sirius screamed and he struggled even more when the Death Eater took his form and left.

"You'll see." Minerva smirked, "Stun him."

Sirius was dragged to his feet and paralyzed in that position before being placed out in the hall without the cuffs. Minerva posed next to him with her wand pointed at him as if she caught him. The confused Auror's eyes widened at the sound of an anguished howl and the fake him running passed them in order to hide.

A furious Harry with fangs and claws rounded the corner, "You killed my mate!"

Minerva gasped, "Sirius, you did what?! It was the ministry, wasn't it? I'm sorry ... you may have been my student at one time, but I can't allow this." She stepped back.

Harry sank his claws into Sirius' flesh and watched the stunned Auror die with tears streaming down his face, "Why? Why did he kill Tom?"

"The ministry is cruel towards creatures and those they mate with. So many harsh judgemental laws and beliefs. Very little can be done to stop them ... except my Lord. Join him and change everything." Minerva placed a hand on Harry's shoulder comfortingly. "Join us and help destroy the ministry ...for Tom."

"I will." Harry agreed.

The ministry was crushed weeks later and Lord Marvolo Gaunt to control ... the creature who helped was no longer needed ...

Her dark lord looked into her eyes as he kicked Harry's severed head aside, "Minerva, you have completed everything beautifully. You're a powerful, gorgeous witch and I want you as my queen."

"Yes my lord!" Minerva swooned as a ring was placed on her finger.

She melted as Marvolo's hand caressed her cheek and he whispered her name in her ear, "Minerva... Minerva ... Minerva!"

Minerva was dragged out of her fantasy by the voice of one of the six Death Eaters and remembered that they were still in her living quarters, "Yes ... right." She huffed a little embarrassed at being caught daydreaming. "Here is the plan. I will floo call Sirius Black under the guise of a problem related to Michael. When he is in front of my desk spell these cuffs onto his wrists and hold him down. I want one of you to take the Polyjuice potion when I add his hair. That person will go kill Tom who should be headed to Albus' living quarters to check on him since I have no doubt the word hasn't gone around between those friends. After the murder run back and we'll make it look like the real Sirius was caught before he could get away. Harry will finish the job and be on our side."

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