He Lives

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'Oh ...' Harry muttered with a blush. That serpent was most likely telling another perverted truth, but he did get the feeling she was also trying to avoid the Noles topic ...


The Great Hall was out of control the next morning. All of the students were clamoring for answers to all sorts of questions ...

Is it true the Potters are all locked up? Did Michael really attack someone? Was it Harry? Is Harry going to the trial? Where is the headmistress? Was she gone because of the trial? Is Gringotts really allowing the Daily Prophet in the courtroom for mirror broadcast? Can we watch? What was that explosion last night? Where is Hagrid? Where are the other professors?

"Ok! Everyone, calm down!" A tired looking Albus called out with the use of a spell that greatly enhanced his voice. Thankfully, that helped and the students slowly became quiet. "I know you all want answers. I want that too. In order to get them I need to contact Harry and Gringotts. If, and only if, we are given mirror access I will allow you all to follow throughout-" he sighed as everyone exploded in excitement. "BUT you must all behave or i'll cut off the connection. No arguments. As for the other professors ... I'm guessing they're still asleep since it's still fairly early. If you could all go back to your dorms and get dressed we can discuss this at breakfast."

Admittedly, Albus found the looks on the sheepish students rather funny. Clearly they were all just now realizing that they were all still in pajamas and sporting some bed head. Of course, now that the first part of the madness was over he actually had to go get the answers everyone wanted. However, just as he was wandering back he felt someone drag him back. To his surprise he was pulled into a room he never saw before through a doorway that he was sure was a wall a minute ago. It took a second, but he did recall that Harry and Tom mentioned passages like this.

"Albus, where's Harry?" Tom's voice exclaimed from behind the wizard whose arm he was holding.

The transfiguration professor sighed as he turned to look at everyone standing there, which included his friends, brother and the Weasley twins. "I haven't seen-" he blinked as he looked closer at his friends and brother. "Don't you know? You guys look like you spent the night with him." Albus smirked as he looked at the flushed faces of Tom, Aberforth, Gellert and Severus. They each looked very ruffled as if they rushed to dress and had a limp.

"Yes, well ... he was with us, but didn't stay with us." Severus muttered, sounding a bit disappointed that the creature didn't stay with them.

The twins both frowned, "Our Dad said Harry was helping with a ministry project."

Gellert raised an eyebrow, "Does this have to do with Noles being replaced? Is that why you two came to find us?"

"Noles was replaced?" Albus asked. That news concerned him a lot. He couldn't help but wonder if it meant someone tried to hurt Tom and Noles was injured.

Aberforth chuckled as he pointed at an embarrassed Tom, "Fred and George came to get us to warn us about the news their father owled them about and we met our new guards. They told us that Nagini attacked Noles and he had to be taken away. We know Harry flooed the ministry to get medical help, but where he went after ... I guess it became a ministry situation?" He asked curiously as he looked at the twins hoping they'd explain.

George shrugged, "Our Dad sent us an emergency owl-"

"- and since we were already up because of that explosion we read it." Fred said as he pulled out the letter. "He wanted us-

"- to spread the news of the Potters' arrest. The minister is apparently seriously going to use the trial as a diversion." George said.

"And with everyone awake, save for these pervs, we just started telling ... we didn't think the news would cause such a mess in every dorm. It's surprising how many people are dating and know the passwords to other dorms." Fred said as he and his brother chuckled sheepishly, completely ignoring the blushes on Tom, Gellert, Aberforth and Severus' faces. Yes, they were so out of it they didn't hear anything.

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