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Harry smirked at the sound of his mate's voice as he flexed his magic again and the window creaked open ...


Sirius gaped in awe as the stars, the only source of light left without the torches, revealed the dark outline of a powerful winged creature. No one had a chance to move. Not him. Not the Death Eaters. Not the two students. Faster than they could process the situation the creature left the window and melted into the darkness with them. Sirius could tell the creature had the advantage almost immediately for only the agonized screams of the Death Eaters could be heard.

"Harry! That's plenty. I'm sure someone will want to talk to them." Severus' voice was heard and the torches lit up once again revealing even more people present.

"Professors? How long have you been standing there?" George said with a smirk when he noticed the five professors standing there casually clearly not caring about the five Death Eaters unconscious on the ground.

Tom shrugged, "A while. Didn't see a reason to stop him. Unless, of course, you want them, Sirius. Why are you here anyway?"

"Hmm?" Sirius finally tore his gaze away from the winged fanged creature that looked remarkably like his godson to look at the professors and focus on the present danger. "The headmistress and six of-"

"Six?" Harry frowned as he took note of the ones present. "I'll go get the other one."

They watched Harry quickly disappear down a dark hall.

"Right ... so my godson is a creature I can't identify and the headmistress is a Death Eater ... the only thing that's making sense right now is that Michael did something stupid even if it is attempted rape." Sirius's eyes widened and he took his wand from the unconscious Death Eaters. "Don't say a word and don't touch anything! I need to make sure Harry doesn't touch anything in case it'll taint the investigation!" He said. Right after performing a strong binding spell to keep the Death Eaters subdued he ran off into the darkness.


Harry retracted his wings into his back and looked at the area in front of the headmistress' office. There, lying on the floor, was a dead Death Eater. However, that's not what concerned Harry. A very fresh scent from Nagini was coming from the office and it seemed to overshadow the rest of the hall. The only reason for her scent to be so strong is if she is still here ...

"Oh Merlin." Harry hissed under his breath. As he quickly raced into the office he hoped Nagini wasn't hurt at all. He was happy to find his fears were unfounded. "Enjoying a snack, I take it?"

Nagini lifted her head off the large lump in her belly sleepily, 'She threatened my master.'

Harry chuckled as the snake yawned, "Do you have a place to rest?"

'The pipe chamber.' She muttered tiredly. Her meal was taking quite a bit out of her.

"Pipe chamb- ... oh." Harry sighed. There was no time to get her down to the Chamber of Secrets and get back without people wondering what he did. Thinking quickly he gently picked her up. "Hold on. I can't take you to the chamber right now, but I know a place where you can digest in peace." After spreading his wings he draped her around him. Her extra weight didn't bother him at all, but it was a little odd feeling the lump from her 'meal' on his back.

The serpent's coils constricted slightly around the creature and Harry leapt out the window. Very carefully he glided down towards his father's hut and landed as smoothly as he could to not unsettle his passenger. Unfortunately, Hagrid was asleep, but Harry flexed his magic to open the door and left Nagini there with a note promising to explain later. He, at least, wrote down that Nagini took care of the headmistress and mentioned a possible Ministry investigation so his father would know that this was serious. Certain his father could handle this he wrapped Nagini up in a warming blanket and quickly flew back up to the office.

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