Crate and Peril

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The fireworks of pleasure between lovers were followed by actual fireworks! Seven large firework dragons, to be precise, and one had a human in its mouth ...


"Oh shit!" Harry exclaimed right before diving out the window to catch the person now falling to the ground with the enchanted sparks fading away. "Got you- ... oh fuck. Noles?" He asked slightly, recognizing the man he caught in mid air as the one who has been pretending to be a teaching assistant as he secretly guarded Tom.

"Yeah." The very crispy and smoldering human croaked out in pain. "Intruder." He managed to gasp as Harry quickly flew back to the castle through the broken windows.

Harry carefully set Noles down and tried to catch the scent of anything other than smoke. The cardboard box that was very much out of place in that hallway provided the answer. "Nagini." He sighed recognizing her scent in the box,but the serpent was long gone. Since there weren't any other scents or dead intruders he figured she mistook poor Noles as an enemy and left when she saw Harry catch him. "She must've thought I'd kill you, but how did she even get back here? ... Noles?" Harry didn't like the odd silence and quickly turned to the injured Auror.

The guard seemed to be staring off in a daze with glazed eyes, "... big swing." He mumbled as his glazed, unfocused eyes landed on Harry's dick, which was just swinging freely.

"Oh." Harry glanced down and remembered that he didn't bother dressing in his rush to save Noles. After a flex of his magic to create a pair of simple blue jeans he checked the Auror's wounds. "So many burns ... and definitely a concussion ... umm I'll go floo the minister, ok?" He winced as the burnt skin crackled when the poor Auror tried to nod.

The creature went into Gellert's living quarters, through the actual doorway for once, and went to get help. If he hadn't used so much of his fluids in his mating then maybe he could heal Noles, but, suffice to say, he was a little too drained after putting his mates to bed. After a quick peek in the bedroom to make sure his mates were sleeping peacefully he closed the door and went to the floo. With a quick flex of his magic he saw the embers flare up.

"Minister Fudge?" It took a moment before the creature saw the ember version of the puzzled face he wanted appear in the fire. "I'm very sorry if I flooed at a bad time, but there's a bit of a problem here and Noles needs a healer."

The minister's ember face disappeared for a moment before returning, "Are you using a Hogwarts floo?"

The creature blinked, "Yes-"

"Good. Move aside, please. We're coming through." Cornelius said bluntly before vanishing again.

Harry didn't even have a second to be confused about why the minister didn't want a password before jumping back when ten Aurors flooed through. After avoiding being trampled he collected his thoughts and cast a silencing charm on the bedroom door before quickly guiding them out of the room. As the Aurors immediately tended to Noles, Harry waited calmly hoping his mates would just sleep peacefully.

"Do you know where the assassin is? We need to start investigating immediately." The minister said seriously as he watched his Auror being carefully carried away so he could be healed in St. Mungo's. It seems Noles wounds were a bit too severe for a simple potion to fix it and a team of healers will be needed.

"About that ..." Harry groaned and sighed. "I don't think it was someone attacking Tom, but actually Noles. How Nagini got back to the castle is beyond me, but I can smell her here and this," he gestured to the destruction, including broken glass and scorched stones, "is definitely something she'd do to protect Tom."

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