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"And Minerva," The witch collapsed in pain as Marvolo's curse hit her and he held her in that state of agony for ten seconds before canceling the curse. "Don't fail me again."


Gellert watched his students get up to leave once class finished. "Harry, may I speak with you a moment?" He asked as the Slytherin passed his desk.

"Of course, professor," Harry said as he turned on his heel headed for the professor's desk, "Is something wrong?" Harry asked once the door closed.

"He isn't in the castle, right?" Gellert asked as he stood and leaned his hip against the desk as he looked up at Harry.

For a moment Harry wasn't sure what the Charms professor meant, but then it came to him, "No ... the dark lord isn't even on the castle grounds."

"But Minerva is ..." Gellert said with a sigh, "Harry, why didn't you say anything about this before?" He asked unintentionally sounding like he was accusing Harry.

"Say something in a school run by the very person who is helping the dark lord when I could be executed? ... No idea, seems silly now." Harry said sarcastically showing some of the reason he was placed in Slytherin.

The professor blushed lightly knowing Harry was not in a position to go around yelling this information back then or even now, "I'm sorry, I'm not accusing you. it's just- ..." Gellert trailed off not sure of how to phrase what he wanted to get across.

"A lot to take in and with clearly no easy solution in sight," Harry offered up to finish the statement Gellert was trying to say.

Gellert sighed in relief when he heard Harry word his worries as best as possible, "Yeah ... we can't go to the ministry without proof, but we don't know where the proof is. It's not like we can go to the headmistress or tap on every door looking for a dark lord ... you know the dark lord was known to have dozens of spies. They were in every facet in the magical world before he was destroyed. He most likely started rebuilding that network and they could be anywhere! We can't trust anyone! No one can stop that mad man-" Gellert gasped as his minor panic attack was interrupted by a strong pair of arms wrapping around his waist and pulling him into a hug.

"We have more options than you think. The headmistress is on my side- ... well more against Michael, but it's useful for us anyway, plus I'm not human. The dark lord wasn't pro creature by any means so I know many packs, flocks and hordes of creatures who would love a chance to handle this in secret. In that way we have an army too. It'll be alright," Harry said subconsciously releasing a bit of his special relaxing potion from his breath.

"You're right," Gellert murmured nearly moaning into the strong chest as his entire body relaxed, "Does it bother you?"

"Of course, but we'll find a way to stop the dark lord." Harry said soothingly knowing the subject must've been far more painful for the professor than him. After all, the professors actually lived through the war. The scars were no doubt still fresh for them while Harry doesn't remember it being so young at the time.

"That's not what I meant," Gellert said before looking up at those blood red eyes, "You said this could be handled silently, but if that's done Michael will always have the honor of being the savior of light. Are you really alright with everyone thinking he stopped the dark lord when you're the one hunting him now?"

Harry smiled, "He did stop the dark lord. Just because it didn't stick doesn't change the fact the it was Michael who was shot with the killing curse-"

"But wait ... how did he live? Isn't he human? ... What if it was actually you who lived?" Gellert asked a little confused since it was oddly enough a human who survived. If it'd been Harry it be more believable since creatures are so much stronger.

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