Hunting Heirs

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Gellert gaped, "She's a Death Eater?" He murmured in disbelief and that started another conversation about the Dark Lord still being alive ...


Albus slipped on the black lacy underwear with garters and matching short see through lace teddy before putting on his school robes. Normally he would put on a sticky charm to make sure no student accidentally catches a peek of the garment, but there was one person he was secretly hoping would see his naughty side. The thought of Harry seeing what he wears under his uniform made him horny and he realized something else too as he was using a certain scented lube last night. Harry had a great sense of smell and if he could smell those inferi that means he could no doubt smell the lubes they use or even the cum itself. Now that made his heart race!

"How am I going to focus with him in class?" Albus moaned already feeling too hot and bothered just thinking about those red eyes being on him too think straight, but he forced himself to get pulled together the best he could and left his living quarters to go to the Gryffindor dorm to pass out the schedules. However, since everyone was still half asleep and moving too slowly for his liking he asked three of the seventh year students to pass them out. With that handled he left the dorm to head for the Great Hall. On his way down the moving staircases he stopped in front of the third corridor doorway. He just stood there for a moment staring at the door in a daze unable to comprehend the horrifying fact that a mass murderer was right behind it once before.

"Hey, Albus, you ok?" Albus jumped slightly at the voice and turned to see his concerned younger brother. "Sorry for scaring you ... you seemed dazed." Aberforth said as he stood with his brother.

"He was right behind that door." Albus whispered as the students started coming out of the Gryffindor dorm.

Aberforth moved aside so the students could pass before looking at the door that concerned his brother. "Oh ..." He trailed off as he realized which door they were standing in front. "He's gone." e whispered.

"I know, but ... he was so close." Albus muttered softly as he turned his gaze to the hungry students walking passed them. The mere thought of a dark lord being so close to so many children or any child scared the hell out of him and what made it worse was that he had absolutely no clue!

What if Harry and his father didn't relocate the basilisk in the chamber, which was another terrifying thing he had no clue about until he was told, and Marvolo got control of it?! What if Hagrid wasn't able to scare him away? What if Minerva didn't use Fluffy as a guard and Harry never discovered his scent? There were just so many things that could've gone so horribly wrong and as a result so many people could've died!

"Professor, are you ok?" A young Gryffindor girl asked worriedly.

With an extra nudge from his brother Albus snapped out of his daze and smiled, "I'm quite alright thank you. I just haven't woken up completely yet."

"Breakfast will help with that!" The girl smiled.

"She's right! Let's get some food in you!" Aberforth said and threw his arm over Albus's shoulder, which shifted the older brother's clothes just enough to show a little lacy strap "Looks like you're planning to get a lot in you today." Aberforth muttered teasingly in his brother's ear making Albus blush and hide the strap before walking off to the Great Hall with his brother. They thought no one saw the little slip, but they didn't see Michael staring down at them from the staircase above them with a smirk ...


Tom groaned as he entered the Slytherin dorm, "Has anyone seen Nagini?" He asked and several students paled as they all froze. The thought of the large snake being on the loose was frightening even for the older students who were helping pass out the class schedules with Severus to make things faster. "She's not that dangerous! ... kind of."

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