Happy Hallo-wing?

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"Errr ... well yes, but that's not why I called ... there's something you need to know ... about Harry." James gulped and started explaining ...


Beady eyes narrowed as they skimmed the article on the front page of the Daily Prophet ...

Death Eater Guilty of Attempting to Assassinate 'Boy Who Lived', Michael Potter, and twin is Dead!

Mack Hodges has finally been caught after just over four weeks of diligent searching. The culprit was found hiding in a muggle hotel by Auror Captain Sirius Black and his team. The unexpected arrival of the Aurors surprised Hodges who was stunned and his magic was checked by the captain personally. It was confirmed that the loyal Death Eater's magic matched and that he was guilty! Sadly, he couldn't face justice for he fought the team of Aurors. In the moment where Auror captain, Sirius Black, thought the man would actually get away he made a snap decision and cast the killing curse. Normally charges would be filed against the Auror who uses the killing curse, but in this situation where the danger was too high so none were. – see pg 6 for more details, see pg 9 for an interview with Michael Potter and his feelings about the traumatic experience.

"DAMN!" The man screamed out in pure fury as he slammed the newspaper hard against the tabletop causing a cloud of dust to fall on the person who entered the house, "One of my best men is dead all because of a fucking screw up! The ministry could be onto us ... Minerva, what is the meaning of this?"

Minerva had just finished removing the dust that fell on her when the newspaper was thrown on the ground at her feet. Upon picking it up to view the article that enraged her master she scoffed, "This was merely a cover up, my lord. The Potters have secrets of their own it seems. Though I am, for the moment, unaware as to what they're hiding I do know that no one is aware of your survival. This incident was actually a case of sibling rivalry-no ... hate would be a better word. Potter didn't handle his twin's appearance at school very well at all and lashed out. Sirius Black covered it up somehow." She said showing no fear as she set the paper on the table near her lord. In her opinion serving the man was the highest honor one could have and the risks, meaning torture, servitude and death, were minuscule in comparison ...

"A cover up you say ..." Marvolo trailed off to consider a possible opportunity. "The paper only mentions Potter's twin briefly in the title and not even by name. I remember both of the boys from that day like it was mere moments ago. I remember seeing one child in a dark corner of the play area. He appeared to be very frail and was just whimpering in pain, but was quite alert and seemed to watch my every move. Despite that I focused on the fat brat hoarding all the toys. The parents stepped in, of course, but neither are trained duelists so they were knocked out with a quick stunner each and I tried to kill the fat boy ... the other one, Harry, never cried even as his parents hit the ground. Before I cast the killing curse that rebounded I remembered thinking the boy had nerve." Minerva inhaled sharply at the realization that her student was honored with her master's respect. "Humiliating the Potters by killing their kids would've been the perfect crushing blow to the light side since those fools were the financial backbone to the light. They would've lost access to over half of their vaults with their heirs dead and they were shown to be weak in comparison to me, which would've crushed the spirits of those light fools ... but it seems that only one twin was remembered." Marvolo commented suspiciously.

"Yes, it seems that's the case for the rest of magical Britain as well and, despite the clumsy attempts to hide it, the Potters also seem to be trying to hide something much worse than this 'attack' at Hogwarts. It's as if the Potters all forgot about Harry and are now trying to sink their claws in him to drag him into their family fold." Minerva sighed as she looked at the two words 'and twin' in the title. "Actually, when the reporters came to do an interview they only took Potter and I had to remind that this incident involved Harry as well. The reporters looked baffled, but tried to recover by sloppily adding 'twin' in the title since they didn't know his name and sucking up to Harry for an interview."

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