Chapter 1

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The Shimada Clan. This clan was very well known across Japan, based in Hanamura. The clan was led by none other than Sojiro Shimada himself, who lived with his two sons, Hanzo and Genji. The eldest son, Hanzo, valued his role greatly and with the utmost importance and respect. He prided himself of his lineage, and aspired to be a brilliant leader as his father was. He always put all of his effort into his training, and was fast becoming a master with the sword and the bow, not to mention with martial arts, despite being only 19. Genji however, didn't really care much for the clan, and favoured a playboy lifestyle instead. He had gained quite a reputation for it in fact, and seemed to bring home a new girl every other day. He would often skip his training and go to the local arcade instead; he went there so often in fact that he had achieved all the high scores on every game. He was very fond of his father, having been given the nickname 'Sparrow'. Sojiro allowed Genji to play around as he wished, but was still strict with him and made sure he went to his training whenever possible. Genji was also very skilful with a sword, though nowhere near the level of his older brother.

Hanzo did not appreciate Genji's attitude towards the clan, but did nothing to stop him. The brothers would spar together sometimes, particularly when Genji didn't have anything better to do. The brothers were very close when they were younger, but as they grew older, their friendship was seeming to drift slightly. Sojiro didn't want them to become enemies, but there wasn't much he could do. The boys had such different personalities and interests, it was clear that they would not remain the best of friends forever.

You were young at this point in time, living in England. You had no outstanding family traits or anything particularly special about you, but you sure as hell knew how to fight. At primary school, your favourite lesson was P.E; you loved to run around and compete with the other kids, and you were overjoyed when your teacher announced that your year would be participating in Judo lessons next term. Since then, you had begged your parents to allow you to go to martial arts lessons, to which they agreed after about three weeks worth of you constantly pestering them. You had achieved black belt in Karate and Judo, red belt in Jujitsu, and you were in your 7th year of Kung Fu after achieving your black belt. Your parents encouraged you to get a job soon, as you were almost 18 and you would soon have to move out and find your own path, so here you were, sat at your computer searching for jobs. You had always been interested in travelling, so you took this as an excuse to do so and were searching worldwide. As you looked through, a particular job caught your eye:


Full time job with high pay rate (¥40,000 per hour)

Living space provided due to 24-hour duration

Training provided

Please contact the number below as soon as possible if you are interested.

+81 27649 129 104 '

This was written in some sort of Asian language, but you didn't need to translate it as you were using an automatic translator since you were looking for jobs worldwide. This job sounded right up your alley, but you knew it was going to cost a hell of a lot to get all the way to wherever this was. Nevertheless, you swiftly grabbed your phone and dialled the number. Hopefully the person who picked up would speak English...

"Kon'nichiwa, Shimada-sandesu. Watashi wa dare ni hanashite imasu ka?" You heard a somewhat gravelly male voice speak. You instantly recognised the dialect; Japanese, but you couldn't actually speak the language.

"Um, hello. Do you speak English?" You replied cautiously. You hoped the man understood you.

"Yes, I do, though not very well, so I apologise if my English is bad." You heard the man say, and you sighed in relief. "I'll repeat myself so that you can understand. This is Mr Shimada speaking. Who am I speaking to?" 

"My name is (Y/N). I am calling to ask about a job application; something about a Bodyguard?" You inquired.

"Ah yes. You are lucky, we have not yet accepted anyone for the job. May I ask if you have any prior training?" Mr Shimada asked.

"Um, well I have several years worth of training in Martial Arts and Defence if that's what you mean. I'm top rank in Karate, Judo, and Jujitsu, and I am finishing my final year of Kung Fu, so I will be top rank in that by the end of the year too." You informed him, fiddling with your hands.

After a long pause, Mr Shimada spoke again. "That sounds great. You are the best trained candidate yet, and most likely will be our best option. I take it by your accent that you reside somewhere in the United Kingdom, yes?"

"Yep, that's right." You replied.

"Well then, we will sort out everything you need. The flight, money transferal, living space...whatever you may need, I will see to it myself that it is provided. When will you be able to start?" He inquired.

You were stunned. This was all happening so quickly. One minute you were just a normal 17-year-old with a regular life, the next you had landed yourself a job in Japan to be a Bodyguard...just like that. You almost dropped your phone, but quickly regained your composure and replied. "Whenever's convenient for you, sir."

"Brilliant. I will book you a flight to Hanamura for 3 days from now, I hope that will suffice. Thank you for calling (Y/N)." He said briefly and hung up. Oh. My. Gosh. You immediately ran downstairs to tell your parents. This was bound to be a decision you would never regret, right?

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