Chapter 23

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Your feet carried you swiftly and quietly across the rooftops as you traveled, only one thing on your mind. As much as you had always liked and admired this man, you only had vengeance and anger coursing throughout your body at the thought of him. You were going to give him what he was due, no matter how hard of a task it would prove to be, and mo matter what lengths you had to go to to achieve this goal. 

You stopped for a moment atop one of the taller houses in the neighborhood to take in your surroundings and make sure you weren't being watched or followed. Glancing all around you, you saw nothing and no one. You turned slightly, facing the direction of a somewhat familiar apartment building. You counted up the floors and the rooms until you pinpointed the exact apartment that was Hanzo's. The window was lit up from the inside, telling you that it was likely that he was indeed there, just as you had hoped. Of course, you also had to consider that perhaps he had left and simply forgot to turn off the lights, or maybe even left them on for the exact reason of making anyone pursuing him think that he was there. He was a smart man, you knew that very well. You allowed your lungs to fill with air in a deep inhale, followed by a sharp exhale. 

"Okay." You said aloud. "Lets fucking do this."

You cautiously approached the building, scaling the walls with ease until you hung just outside his window. You paused for a moment to listen, just in case you could hear him walking around or talking, even going as far as to halt your breathing for a moment. No noise. You carefully leaned over to look through the window, hoping to catch a glimpse of him and confirm his position. The curtains were closed, but there was a small parting towards the top that you could peek through. You peered in, searching the room for him or anything that told you he was in there. You saw nothing. You cursed quietly, and thought about what to do next. Your best bet was to assume he was in there somewhere, and sneak in through the window, hide in a corner and wait for him to walk in. Yeah, this was a good plan. Plus, if it turned out that he actually was out, you would be in the perfect position to ambush him as soon as he returned. With your plan set, you attempted to lift up the windowpane. Lucky for you, he had left it unlatched, so you easily pulled it up and stealthily slid your body inside.

As soon as your foot touched the floor, you immediately looked around to make sure you were still clear, and he still wasn't around. You closed the window again, making sure to leave it unlatched should he walk in. The last thing you needed was for him to notice a tiny thing like that and give away your presence. You slowly walked across the room and into the far corner, making sure you had a weapon at hand. There was still no sign that he was currently with you in the apartment, so you relaxed a bit and prepared to wait for his return.

You figured you'd make the most of the peace before you had to fight him, so you decided to play a little game with yourself to keep your mind active. Just as you got into it, you heard what sounded like a scratch on the wall across the room from you. You quickly tensed and grabbed your weapon again, searching the room for a presence, but saw nothing. You sighed in relief, must've just been one of his neighbors. You dropped your guard once more, resuming your little game. Then you felt air brush across your neck.


A strong arm wrapped around your torso, pinning your arms to your body and lifting you up so you couldn't move. Another arm moved to quickly cover your mouth with a calloused hand, preventing you from screaming. You squirmed and fought to release yourself from this strong grip, but you found yourself powerless against your assailant. This almost seemed familiar.

"What do you think your doing here?" a voice sliced through the air, a voice you recognised all too well. Hanzo.

"Fuck! How the hell-" You began, your voice muffled but understandable through his hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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